Orange County NC Website
DRAFT -HABITAT CONTRACT <br />12130/2001 <br />bj The County's euthoriza[ion[o mnnect to the Eflentl sewer system under this <br />Agreement shall expire if (iJ substantial (i.e. more then taken) mnatmction of the <br />Project has not begun wkhin two years from the tlate upon which this contract <br />was executed; (ii) after construction begins, construction ceases for a wntinucus <br />period of at least one year (unless a result cf an action by the County); or (iii) the <br />extension b be constmctetl pursuant b this contract has not been wnnegetl tc <br />the County's system in accoNance wdh the requirements sat forth herein whhin <br />three (3) yeere from the tlate upon which this contract was exewbtl. <br />(2) Nothing in this oantract shall be mnstmetl as constituting express or implietl <br />approval of the Project by [he County under any applicable County zoning, <br />subdivision or other lantl use oMinance. The ONinances, roles, regulations, entl <br />resol Wons of the Orenge county, regulating'SUbdiviaiona," entl other types of <br />development are hemby specifically incomorafetl into this Agreement by reference. <br />Developer hereby wvenanLS and represents that he has read and understands the <br />aforemen4onetl cetle sections, entl that hs hereby agrees to be bountl by all of the <br />regulations, terms entl contlhions conbinetl therein. <br />(B) The Deveoper agrees to cemply with or satisfy [he bllowing bona end condlGOna <br />ea well es Moae se[ forth in the Appendices entl ackrwwledges that the Count's <br />authorization [o connect the proposed extension to the EAand sewer system is <br />spacifcally wntingent upon compliance with or satisfaction of the same. If these <br />mntli[ions are not meq [he extension Agreement will be rentleretl null entl void entl <br />the Developer will need b re-negotiate a new wntrect for extension. <br />(4) The Developer hereby grants and gives to the County, its successors entl assigns, <br />the exclusive rght or privilege to own, maintain and operate said facilities in, untleq <br />upon, over end across the present and future streets, roatls, [erreces, alleys, <br />sofa, reserve utility strips and utility sites, entl any public pldees as provitletl <br />entl detlicatetl to public use in recoMetl plats, or as provitletl br in agreements, <br />dedications, or grants made cfhenvise and independent of saitl recorded plats. The <br />Developer shall gent b the County easements of dghls-of-ways mpesponding wl[h <br />[he installation cf the proposed facilities. The grant or conveyance shall be in bon <br />satisfactory tc the Boab and County Adomey. The conveyances, whether or not <br />located on the Property shall be made without cost to the County. The County <br />as the right b require such easement or right-of-way b the point at which the <br />meter is proposetl to be installed or at the "point of delivery of service", being the <br />point at which the facilities of the County loin with the Developer's installation. <br />The Developer hereby agrees that the foregoing grents shall inGUde the necessary <br />dght of ingress and egress to any part of the Property; that Me foregoing 9rents shall <br />be br such period of time as [he County or its successors or assigns require such <br />rights, privileges or easements in Ne wns[mction, ownership, maintenance, <br />operation or expansion of the wastewater collection entl Irensmission facilities. <br />