Orange County NC Website
DRAFT HABITAT CONTRACT <br />tzraorzogt <br />WHEREAS, the Developer agroes tc restore to the satisfaction of the owner (either <br />public or private) all cone[mctlon related tlamege to property or existing infres[mcture <br />poor to Project closeout and to secure tlamage releases from those owners; and <br />WHEREAS, the Developer agrees to pay all costs associatetl with [hat exension, <br />inclutling all costs associated with engineering design, design review, permitting, <br />cons[mctlon, constmaion monltoring, project atlminis[ration, projeIX close-out, bonding, <br />perpetual maintenance (unless exemptetl antler [he affortlable housing provisionscitatl <br />in Appentlix C) of wastewaterwaterpamping stations and similar vests associated with <br />Project wastewater infrasimctum cdnstructicn; antl <br />WHEREAS, the Developer agrees m pay all vests antl fees associatetl with Capon, <br />capital facility, availability, waste strength surcharge and other such fees that Orenge <br />County antl the Town of Hillsborough may have in effect at each time sewer service is <br />eMentletl; and <br />WHEREAS, the County is willing to provide, in eccoNence with the provisions <br />hereinafter set out, access [o the cen[ml wastewater facilities of the Edand sewer <br />system and to have those facilities extended to the Project by way of sewer wllaction <br />mains or by wastewater pumping stations antl torte mains; antl [o thereafter operate <br />such taciltties so[hat the occupants of each residence, bulltling orunlt cens[ructetl In <br />the Project will receive atlequate wastewater wlledion service from Ne County; antl <br />WHEREAS, at hs meeting heltl -the Orange County Boartl <br />of Commissioners (hereinafter calletl the °BOak") authorizetl the proposetl extension <br />subject to execution pfi this Agreement and compliance with its terms; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Developer and [he County, and the heirs, successors, antl <br />assigns of each of them agree: <br />(1) Subject to Oevelopefe compliance with the Canna end condklona set forth herein, <br />and subject to Developer obtaining any necessary approval from the State of NoM <br />Carolina, the Town of Hillsborough or any other agency or authority, the County will <br />parmk the connection of improvements consimctetl for the above-referencetl Project <br />to [he County's Eflentl sewer system. <br />a) The County reserves the right fo refuse to allow connection to or use of [he <br />Efland sewer system (i) when such connection would. cause the Gcuntys system <br />or the opemyon thereof to be in violation of any applicable state or fetleral <br />requiremenC or(ii)for reasons not known orkreseen by the County at thetime <br />this centred was executedthat would create a clear and present danger to the <br />public health or safety. Reasons far refusal to allow connection shall include, but <br />not be limited tc, lack wastewater treatment capacity by the Town of Hillsborough <br />or by lack of capacity of one or more components of the County or County sewer <br />system. <br />