Orange County NC Website
based culture in order to bring a greater sense of community and <br />connection to each other and the area we liv e in. <br />No alcohol will be serv ed or allowed at these ev ents <br />Family friendly, all ages welcome <br />Liv e painting and family activ ities <br />Group, partner and indiv idual dancing opportunities <br />Community drumming by local professionals and community <br />members of all ages <br />Liv e opening music and a headlining band for a 90 minute dance with <br />v erbal conv ersation free dance <br />Vendors from local organizations, businesses and artisans <br />Professional local musicians of different genres and cultural <br />backgrounds <br />Plant walk and education from indigenous herbalist Vickie Jeffries <br />(Mihe Heyananhes Yattse) the Tribal Administrator for the Occaneechi <br />Band of the Saponi Nation <br />Blessings of the grounds (land acknowledgment) we are dancing on <br />W e prov ide tools needed to participate in the activ ities (hula hoops, <br />instruments, paint supplies, etc) <br />Focus is on inclusion, consent-based culture AND intergenerational <br />Guided mov ement portion supports people dancing in a way where <br />they are part of the group while also respecting each person’s <br />indiv iduality <br />Please explain <br />measures taken by <br />your organization to <br />mitigate the spread <br />of COVID-19. <br />W e hav e successfully organized and held monthly ev ents <br />throughout the pandemic utilizing some of the guidelines below. <br />Limited av ailability and preregistration, depending on the location <br />and gov ernment mandates. <br />Masks can be required except in the personal mov ement space you <br />create <br />Respect indiv idual and energetic boundaries of whatev er distance <br />folks need - check in! <br />If you hav e symptoms in the 5 days before the ev ent, please stay <br />home, take care of yourself, and come to the next one! And please <br />let us know so we can open a spot for others. <br />Some people may be in a pod, family, affinity group, or other context <br />that inv olv es physical closeness and touch. W e agree to trust <br />indiv iduals’ choices for contact and proximity around this while also <br />holding the group container and agreements. <br />Sanitizer and masks av ailable. <br />Depending on the circumstance we hav e also prov ided colored <br />wristband for people to indicate their desired lev el of engagement. <br />These are protocols that we initially held and can bring back if <br />necessary: <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: A6EB2798-CEF7-4336-831E-E241A0F6792C