Orange County NC Website
The exhibit is tentativ ely set to be held at 108 East Franklin <br />(Renov ated W algreens Space) from Friday, Oct. 8th – Tuesday, Oct. <br />12th. It is my intention to make the installation as accessible to the <br />community as possible by allowing it to be seen during the weekday <br />and weekend. <br />The current timeline: <br />July - finish editing the short film, receiv e building confirmation, <br />secure poem <br />August - Send out a sav e the date, get on community organization's <br />calendars, begin the website creation <br />September - Order materials, a month out start promoting <br />October - Assembly goodie bags week before, installation experience <br />Community Impact I expect at least 300 hundred people from the greater Triangle <br />community to be able to experience this installation in person. My <br />primary focus is to impact those in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro area: <br />Carolina students, faculty, and staff, the community members of the <br />historic Northside neighborhood, and the local business who got hit <br />the hardest. <br />As prev iously stated, I believ e the quickest way to start the healing <br />process as a community is to acknowledge the grief and dev astation <br />that we'v e all experienced collectiv ely. Taking the time to reflect on <br />what was lost, while also being present to what we still hav e and all <br />the opportunities and unique experiences that became possible. It is <br />my intention that people leav e the exhibit with not only a sense of <br />gratitude but with an awareness of their humanity and the humanity <br />of others; hav ing a desire to connect deeply to those still in their <br />liv es and that that joy and lov es has a ripple effect in our community <br />and world. <br />Regarding the digital experience, I expect the project to touch at least <br />1,000 people domestically and internationally. I believ e this work has <br />the ability to hav e a global impact and hopefully bring us all a little <br />closer together. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 48CFDFAE-78BE-4FFA-BE3A-FC030E7B0208