Orange County NC Website
Please explain <br />measures taken by <br />your organization to <br />mitigate the spread <br />of COVID-19. <br />The Ackland Art Museum is committed to fulfilling our mission in a <br />manner that makes the safety and well-being of Museum v isitors, <br />v olunteers, and staff our highest priority. In dev eloping appropriate <br />protocols and procedures, we hav e followed the recommended <br />guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prev ention (CDC), <br />the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Serv ices, and <br />the Univ ersity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. <br />In accordance with state and Univ ersity guidelines, the Ackland <br />closed its doors until further notice on March 18, 2020, and all staff <br />transitioned to working remotely. In January 2021, the Ackland <br />reopened at limited capacity and hours, and returned to normal <br />hours and capacity in June 2021. <br />As part of the Univ ersity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, we require all <br />staff and v isitors to wear masks while v isiting the Museum. Other <br />measures taken to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 include: <br />prescreening the health of all employees, requiring them to stay <br />home if they feel sick, and asking our v isitors to do the same; hand <br />sanitizer stations are located throughout the Museum, and we <br />encourage v isitors and staff to use them and to wash hands often; <br />the Ackland has enhanced our cleaning procedures and frequently <br />disinfect regularly touched surfaces, with cleaning happening <br />continuously throughout the day; and Plexiglass shields hav e been <br />installed in the lobby check-in desk and Museum Store. <br />Other changes that made include: the Museum Store is open but with <br />limited capacity; gallery stools are cleaned by staff after each use; <br />v isitors are encouraged to access our About the Art guides and <br />gallery maps digitally with QR codes located throughout the Museum <br />if possible but disposable guides and maps are av ailable in the lobby. <br />Public tours, on-site programs, and other in-person ev ents are <br />currently offered on a limited basis. W e will continue to offer high- <br />quality online programming for all on our website so that at-home <br />v isitors can remain connected with the Ackland while our pandemic <br />protocols are in effect. <br />COVID-19 IMPACT <br />DATA <br />This data is for the OCAC's informational purposes only and may or <br />may not be applicable to your organization depending on your <br />structure. <br />Number of Staff <br />Eliminated since <br />March 15, 2020 <br />0 <br />Number of Staff <br />Positions <br />Furloughed/Hours <br />Reduced since <br />March 15, 2020 <br />0 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: C76FE3AA-6B83-4813-90F1-C0DF2DD97E47