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adv ocates and supporters in Chapel Hill and the broader area and <br />creating a forum for interesting and v ibrant discussion about the <br />arts, the community and the Ackland’s role in both. <br />Please explain your <br />intended use of a <br />Restart the Arts <br />Grant, if awarded. <br />The Ackland would use a Restart the Arts Grant from the Orange <br />County Arts Commission to support the salary and benefits of the <br />Museum’s Head of Public Programs, Dr. Allison Portnow Lathrop. Dr. <br />Lathrop has designed, managed, and implemented the Ackland’s <br />div erse set of public programs for the past twelv e years. She has <br />experience collaborating with partner organizations from the <br />community and UNC campus and working with them to identify new <br />audiences and plan for sustainable audience growth. She has a <br />background in teaching and program planning for young audiences, <br />college students, and adults and holds degrees from UNC-Chapel Hill <br />(MA/PhD in Musicology) and McGill Univ ersity (BA in Music). <br />Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, Dr. Lathrop began finding ways <br />for the Ackland to continue acting as a connection between people <br />and art despite a shutdown of the physical building. Short-term, <br />offering v irtual programs allowed the Ackland to continue to engage <br />audience while doors were closed, but long-term, ev en now that the <br />Museum has reopened, we hav e found that this platform has <br />remained (and will continue to be) important. Virtual programs can be <br />taken adv antage of by v isitors who might not otherwise be able to <br />come to the Museum for programs (don’t driv e at night, challenged <br />immune systems, work and/or childcare during open hours, etc.), <br />prov ing to be necessary to serv e the needs of our audience going <br />forward. Dr. Lathrop and her staff will continue to explore ways to be <br />as accessible and inclusiv e as possible, to connect with potential on- <br />site v isitors who aren’t yet in the habit of v isiting, and design <br />programs that function as both stand-alone experiences and as <br />experiences that complement an in-person v isit. <br />Dr. Lathrop’s position at the Ackland is partially state-funded. W ith <br />our state budget cut 7% last year and 7% this year due to Univ ersity <br />deficits caused by the pandemic, the Museum would apply a Restart <br />the Arts grant from the Orange County Arts Commission to the cost <br />of Dr. Lathrop’s salary and benefits in FY22, helping to ensure her <br />position’s stability and enabling the Ackland to continue to bring <br />v alued art programming to indiv iduals and families in our state and <br />beyond. Dr. Lathrop’s annual salary is $64,500; total costs of the <br />position after benefits and taxes is expected to be $87,710. A Restart <br />the Arts grant would help reliev e some of the Ackland’s ov erhead <br />and support general operating costs associated with our public <br />programs, for which the principal expense is staff time. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: C76FE3AA-6B83-4813-90F1-C0DF2DD97E47