2021-621-E-Arts Commission-UNC Chapel Hill-Ackland Art Museum-Restart the Arts
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2021-621-E-Arts Commission-UNC Chapel Hill-Ackland Art Museum-Restart the Arts
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Last modified
10/26/2021 11:35:28 AM
Creation date
10/26/2021 11:35:16 AM
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typical year.Orange County residents can benefit from the Museum’s resources. <br />Prov iding intellectually engaging content and wellness programs for <br />audience members of all ages and abilities, the Ackland offers <br />lifelong learning opportunities and contributes to the ov erall health <br />and well-being of our residents. As stated abov e, the Museum offers <br />ov er 200 public programs and more than 200 tours annually in a <br />typical year. <br />At the Ackland, we believ e that art helps us understand the world <br />around us. Children who hav e impactful experiences with art are <br />better equipped to communicate with others and contribute to their <br />communities. The Museum’s education and interpretation staff <br />designs programming to prov ide rich content and interactiv e <br />experiences. Programs for children include art-making activ ities and <br />collaborativ e social experiences, each one designed to engage <br />v aried interests, different dev elopmental needs, and all learning <br />styles. <br />Public programs are a critical component of our plan to enhance the <br />quality of life for the entire local community. The guiding principles of <br />our work are to: encourage people to look closely and carefully at <br />works of art; support material literacy and understanding of artists’ <br />processes; inv ite multiple perspectiv es on the meanings of works of <br />art; and create opportunities for v isitors to respond to works of art in <br />v aried ways – critically, creativ ely, v erbally, v isually, and more. <br />To demonstrate the Museum’s commitment to being accessible to <br />all, the Ackland permanently established ART& in September 2018. A <br />dedicated museum space for campus and community to connect <br />with each other and to create and experience art, ART& hosts artist <br />talks, performances, art-making classes, and much more. In addition <br />to serv ing as a v ibrant gathering and program space, ART& also <br />features a rotating roster of site-specific commissions by <br />contemporary artists. <br />Additionally, the Ackland’s annual exhibitions of work made by <br />graduating Master of Fine Arts students from UNC-Chapel Hill are <br />curated by local poets, v isual artists, critics, and arts administrators. <br />The intentional selection of locally based curators demonstrates for <br />the artists and museum v isitors alike the v iability of a successful arts <br />career in Orange County. <br />In a typical year, the Ackland also collaborates with other local <br />organizations in Orange County, including the Varsity Theater, Chapel <br />Hill Public Library, Chapel Hill/Carrboro and Orange County Schools, <br />Charles House, and the Orange County Department on Aging, to <br />name a few. <br />The Ackland also has a Local Adv isory Board with 37 members who <br />are residents of the Triangle, many from Orange County. This board <br />helps Museum leadership expand and solidify the Ackland’s <br />dedication to the local community by deepening our network of <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: C76FE3AA-6B83-4813-90F1-C0DF2DD97E47
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