Orange County NC Website
Organization City Carrboro <br />Organization State Musical Empowerment <br />Organization Zip <br />Code <br />27510 <br />Organization website <br />Organization Tax ID 454589282 <br />Applicant <br />Race/Ethnicity <br />Other <br />Legal Status:501(c)3 or 501(c)6 Nonprofit Organization <br />IRS Determination Letter <br />501c3_Verification_Letter_-_Musical_Empowerment.pdf <br />Are 25% or more of <br />your annual <br />expenses related to <br />the visual, performing <br />or literary arts? <br />Yes <br />NARRATIVE n/a <br />W hat is the mission <br />of your organization? <br />Musical Empowerment is a 501 (c)(3) organization in North Carolina <br />that serv es elementary through high school aged children regardless <br />of race, socioeconomic status, academic standing, or musical ability. <br />For nearly 20 years, Musical Empowerment has prov ided equitable <br />music education and nurtured meaningful relationships between <br />collegiate mentors and low-income students who hav e reduced <br />access to music programs. The organization has partnerships with <br />fiv e North Carolina univ ersities and colleges for this program as well <br />as two out-of-state programs in New Hampshire and New York. <br />Students at Musical Empowerment participate in a unique mentorship <br />experience where they are paired with a collegiate mentor and <br />prov ided weekly one-on-one music lessons on the instrument of their <br />choice, which they own after three years. Most importantly, collegiate <br />mentors act as positiv e role models for low-income youth and teach <br />critical skills that music education prov ides, such as time <br />management, discipline, creativ ity, and dedication. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 9978ACCF-6224-4838-9174-30B7C8AA96E6