2021-616-E-Arts Commission-BASEMENT Art Space-Restart the Arts
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2021-616-E-Arts Commission-BASEMENT Art Space-Restart the Arts
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Last modified
10/26/2021 11:29:53 AM
Creation date
10/26/2021 11:29:44 AM
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In total, BASEMENT requests $4000. <br />Please explain <br />measures taken by <br />your organization to <br />mitigate the spread <br />of COVID-19. <br />BASEMENT continues to make significant and considerable efforts to <br />protect the health of curators, artists, and members of the <br />community. As a response to the pandemic BASEMENT’s second in- <br />person group exhibition, “Loose Footing,“ was postponed from the <br />Spring of 2020 to August 2021. The exhibition is currently on v iew by <br />appointment until December 2021, as well as during scheduled open <br />hours. <br />For the safety of our three exhibiting artists, we extended the <br />installation period to allow them to install their work indiv idually in <br />BASEMENT. Two of the participating artists spent a week in LEVEL’s <br />pandemic-safe residence while creating site-specific installations in <br />BASEMENT. This new collaboration with LEVEL Retreat was <br />conceiv ed in response to the pandemic but also serv ed to build <br />further connections between v isiting and local artists. All artists, <br />including BASEMENT team members who helped with space <br />preparation and installation, wore masks and practiced social <br />distancing while indoors. All curators and exhibiting artists were fully <br />v accinated against COVID-19. <br />BASEMENT and LEVEL Retreat hosted sev eral intimate outdoor <br />social ev ents to introduce the v isiting artists to local art <br />professionals; all ev ents were intentionally small and held outdoors. <br />The opening reception for “Loose Footing” occurred on August 14th <br />with stringent COVID precautions. Masks were required for entry into <br />BASEMENT, and only four v isitors were allowed inside the gallery at a <br />time. Refreshments were serv ed outdoors on the driv eway. <br />From February 2020 to June 2021 BASEMENT was closed to the <br />public. In March 2020, BASEMENT mov ed all programming to the <br />v irtual domain utilizing platforms such as Zoom, Instagram, and our <br />website. As of now, BASEMENT has conducted 28 v irtual meetings, <br />10 v irtual studio v isits, and six online ev ents. Our Digital Residency <br />program allowed artists to take ov er our Instagram account for three <br />weeks. Artists were selected after studio v isits with BASEMENT <br />curators and worked with the curators to organize a closing ev ent of <br />their choosing. Prev ious ev ents hav e included a ghost-inhabited- <br />sculpture-story told by sculptor Raul De Lara (TX/NYC), a zine <br />collaboration with a poet and photographer Aaron Turner (AK), and <br />an interactiv e v irtual performance led by interdisciplinary artist Marta <br />Rodriguez Maleck (LA). Digital residents receiv ed a small stipend for <br />their participation. <br />Our newest program, “Studio Snacks,” consists of 30-minute v irtual <br />studio v isits v ia Zoom with local North Carolina artists. Depending on <br />the artist’s preference, the v isits can be spaces to informally critique, <br />share work with community members, receiv e feedback priv ately with <br />basement curators or publicly connect with the broader community. <br />W e plan to host “Studio Snacks” bi-monthly. Through these efforts, <br />we expanded our Instagram followers to number ov er one thousand. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: B028461D-0E0E-4A6F-813C-EBF4CEE2496B
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