Orange County NC Website
to produce in-person and v irtual programs. W e hav e also contributed <br />personal funds to cov er BASEMENT expenses towards our goal of <br />promoting and supporting exceptional artists to culturally enrich our <br />local and regional communities.The artist-curators’ numerous <br />responsibilities---beyond curation and ev ent planning--- include bi- <br />monthly team meetings and studio v isits with prospectiv e artists. To <br />publicize our programs we perform ongoing tasks such as formatting <br />and editing BASEMENT’s website, designing promotional materials, <br />and constructing social media announcements and newsletters. W e <br />perform all physical labors to mount our in-person exhibitions <br />including, but not limited to: wall repair, painting, building walls, <br />platforms, and projection screens, lighting, electronic equipment <br />setup, and local artwork transportation. Additionally, BASEMENT <br />members perform administrativ e duties, document exhibitions, and <br />write contracts and grant applications. <br />W e are grateful to hav e receiv ed two OCAC Artist Project Grants. In <br />addition to underwriting costs of materials and equipment, the grants <br />prov ided stipends to our digital residents and exhibiting artists. W e <br />believ e in financially supporting the professional artists who exhibit <br />on our platforms, a goal made urgent during the pandemic when <br />many artists lost income sources such as teaching positions and <br />exhibition opportunities. <br />Our recently awarded 2021-22 Artist Project Grant enables us to <br />continue our 2021-22 planned projects including Studio Snacks, <br />Digital Residences, a collaboration with LEVEL Retreat, and an in- <br />person group exhibition for Spring 2022. For the Restart the Arts <br />grant, we request stipends for our BASEMENT team of $600 each <br />($3000 total), equalling a monthly stipend of $50. This is an <br />opportunity to acknowledge the curators for the considerable time, <br />effort, and personal funds donated to further our goal of showcasing <br />to our community the breadth, div ersity, and excellence of artists <br />with ties to the South. <br />W e also request $600 to prov ide additional trav el assistance to neon <br />artist Lily Reev es (showing in our Spring 2022 exhibition). Prior to the <br />pandemic, Reev es liv ed and worked in Birmingham, Alabama, <br />roughly 540 miles from Chapel Hill. BASEMENT allotted her $250 to <br />fully cov er Reev es’ transportation and installation costs. Due to the <br />pandemic, Reev es closed her gallery and relocated to Arizona (2150 <br />miles from Chapel Hill) to be closer to a support system for neon- <br />artists. Although at this increased distance we can no longer cov er <br />her entire artwork transportations costs, BASEMENT hopes to <br />contribute half the cost. <br />Lastly, we request $400 to hire a local photographer to document in- <br />person exhibitions. Today, most artwork and exhibitions are seen <br />digitally. Not only a tool for archiv al and promotional purposes, but <br />professional documentation assists artists in receiv ing grants, <br />residencies, and professional opportunities. Our request benefits <br />BASEMENT archiv es, the exhibiting artists’ portfolios, and supports a <br />professional photographer within our community. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: B028461D-0E0E-4A6F-813C-EBF4CEE2496B