Orange County NC Website
Provide a brief <br />description of your <br />pre-pandemic core <br />arts-related <br />programming or <br />offerings. <br />Pre-pandemic we were open 365 days a year with between 6 and 12 <br />separate shows open to the public daily. A mix of features (fiction) <br />and documentaries, in 2019 ov er 80% of our offerings were award <br />winners, whether at international or national film festiv als and/or the <br />Academy Awards. Programming is div erse, with conscious efforts to <br />select films that reflect a div ersity of directors, performers, <br />v iewpoints, subjects, source material, and historical periods. <br />The general profile of programs is as follows: <br />• Multiple daily public showings of at least 3 separate films booked for <br />a minimum of one to two or more weeks each. 2019 examples: If <br />Beale Street Could Talk, The Souv enir, Shoplifters, Parasite, Cold <br />W ar, Amazing Grace, Biggest Little Farm. <br />• Special ev ents, generally single showings or a limited series. <br />Examples: REEL Israel Film Festiv al; Adam (area premier of <br />nationally released film by a Chapel Hill nativ e). <br />• Educational programs such as lectures/facilitated conv ersations, <br />and panel discussions, held in conjunction with films. in 2022. <br />Examples: Cinema School, 2018- 20 (collaboration with Carolina <br />Public Humanities); Chelsea Teen Film Club on hiatus due to the <br />pandemic but expected to resume 2022( <br />• Use of theater by other groups. W e make the facilities av ailable at <br />reasonable cost to educational and nonprofit groups. Examples: <br />OLLI (Duke Univ ersity); v arious UNC-Chapel Hill Departments; the <br />Consortium of Latin American Studies at UNC and Duke. <br />W hile the majority of our audience are Orange County residents, <br />many from other parts of the Triangle and beyond attend and support <br />us. Demographically, attendees are on the older side of fifty, similar <br />to art house theaters across the country. Informal surv eys that <br />compared audience composition with the div ersity of films shown <br />indicate that audience demographics are approximately 79% <br />Caucasian, 12% Black or African American, 6% Asian, and 3% Latinx <br />Senior citizens/the elderly benefit from the Chelsea as a place to <br />hav e a meaningful social connection and engage in a stimulating <br />experience. The Chelsea has affordable pricing, accessible and easy <br />to nav igate facilities, assistiv e listening and closed caption dev ices <br />av ailable, free parking, and adjacency to major arteries and bus lines. <br />Please explain the <br />impact of your <br />organization on the <br />Orange County <br />community in a <br />typical year. <br />The Chelsea has a 31-year history in Chapel Hill, originally one of <br />three theaters owned by the founder, and one of at least fiv e former <br />North Carolina owned and contemporaneously operated mov ie <br />theaters. Today, amidst a declining number of theaters locally and <br />nationally, the Chelsea is noteworthy for its commitment to cinema <br />arts and its focus on connecting with and being part of the <br />community. The renov ations completed this year will ensure that <br />v isitors will hav e the highest quality of cinematic experience for years <br />to come. <br />The most immediate measure of impact is attendance and ticket <br />sales, with 47,000 attendees in the year prior to closing. Often, the <br />most successful films hav e been documentaries such as RBG, the <br />inspiring documentary about the late Supreme Court Justice; and <br />Fantastic Fungi, an exploration of the mysterious and medicinal world <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: BCBCDC13-1B41-4389-8311-B12D1009DAC0