Orange County NC Website
Please explain your <br />intended use of a <br />Restart the Arts <br />Grant, if awarded. <br />Funds will be used to support essential operating costs. The Chelsea <br />has significant non-discretionary operating expenses totaling ov er <br />$23,000 ev ery month. The largest of these include payroll and related <br />costs; rent; utilities; janitorial and maintenance; insurance; and <br />office/software/technology. Film rental and other costs of sales are <br />funded through sales. <br />W e believ e that it may take three – fiv e years to regain our pre- <br />pandemic stability of attendance and earned income. Restart the Arts <br />funds, as well as SVOG and any others, including priv ate <br />contributions, will be essential to fund a portion of annual operating <br />costs while audience confidence in returning to the theater is being <br />restored. Only with a significant boost in attendance (ticket and <br />concessions sales) will we be able to return to profitability. W e will <br />use all COVID relief funds judiciously and will continue to seek <br />community and grant support from all sources. Additionally, we hav e <br />a $75,000 EIDL loan which must be repaid out of non-gov ernmental <br />funds. W hether or not that can be repaid, at least in part, within fiv e <br />years, remains to be seen, but it is a consideration of the board. <br />Please explain <br />measures taken by <br />your organization to <br />mitigate the spread <br />of COVID-19. <br />In 2020-21 we gutted and fully renov ated the theater with features <br />designed to reduce airborne and surface-spread germs. These <br />included installing all new, easy-to-clean seats, and touch free or <br />minimal touch features in restrooms and lobby. W e improv ed our air <br />filtration system with MERV filters and installed GPS Needlepoint <br />Bipolar Ionization systems in our HVAC units to purify the air. <br />All employees are required to be v accinated. Rigorous daily <br />procedures include sanitization of theaters between shows and <br />sanitizing the lobby and restrooms sev eral times daily. Show <br />schedules hav e been modified to allow for longer time for cleaning <br />between shows, and attention to start/end times to av oid lobby <br />congestion. There are separate entrance and exit doors. Masks are <br />required to be worn inside at all times unless activ ely consuming <br />concessions while seated in the theater. <br />Effectiv e September 3, we require proof of full COVID v accination or a <br />negativ e COVID-19 test result taken within 72 hours prior to attending <br />a film. <br />COVID-19 IMPACT <br />DATA <br />This data is for the OCAC's informational purposes only and may or <br />may not be applicable to your organization depending on your <br />structure. <br />Number of Staff <br />Eliminated since <br />March 15, 2020 <br />8 PT <br />Number of Staff <br />Positions <br />Furloughed/Hours <br />Reduced since <br />March 15, 2020 <br />0 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: BCBCDC13-1B41-4389-8311-B12D1009DAC0