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of mushrooms and their power to heal, sustain, and contribute to the <br />earth. <br />Howev er, attendance is only one factor, as less well-attended films <br />are important. A film such as Birds of Passage, a drama about the <br />impact of the Colombian drug cartel on indigenous W ayuu people, <br />introduced local audiences to little known aspects of life in Latin <br />America and unimaginable dev astation of drug trafficking. Transit <br />introduced a rising star of international film, director Christian <br />Petzold, through his haunting W W II allegory set in modern day <br />Marseilles. (Prev ious sections hav e described education and <br />audiences impacted.) <br />The Chelsea brings together v arious art forms and audiences <br />through programming. As one example, a recent collaboration with <br />American Dance Festiv al included a two-week run of Ailey and a <br />special showing of Can You Bring it (choreographer Bill T Jones), <br />introduced by former performers from the company. The <br />documentaries drew dance enthusiasts, dancers, and students. <br />W e continue to dev elop ways to support artists. Our part time <br />employees are largely filmmakers, art and film students. W e hav e <br />hired Orange County-based graphic designers and filmmakers to <br />create original pre-show content and website design. W hile closed we <br />initiated Chelsea Selects: A Lens on the Triangle, a v irtual film series, <br />which has prov ided some minimal income and exposure to Orange <br />County filmmakers. <br />Membership retention and membership growth are indicators of <br />impact. Pre-pandemic, paid membership had grown to ov er 1,500 <br />member households within less than two years. W hile many of these <br />naturally lapsed during 2020, significant numbers are joining and <br />renewing. In fact, membership income is higher this year than it was <br />two years ago at this time <br />Another measure was the support from the hundreds of people who <br />contributed to the 2020 renov ation campaign during the depths of <br />the pandemic. This support which included cash, donated goods and <br />serv ices, and v olunteer time demonstrated high commitment to the <br />Chelsea’s future. Similarly, general contributions and grants hav e <br />grown year ov er year. <br />Our films are a destination for Orange County audiences and also <br />from throughout the Triangle and beyond. Sev eral film clubs and film <br />meet-up groups attend and then enjoy a meal and discussion at one <br />of the locally owned nearby restaurants. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: BCBCDC13-1B41-4389-8311-B12D1009DAC0