Orange County NC Website
Provide a brief <br />description of your <br />pre-pandemic core <br />arts-related <br />programming or <br />offerings. <br />Sisters’ Voices ensembles offer a meaningful and connectiv e singing <br />experience. A full-year commitment is requested of all singers <br />because ensembles grow together. Ov er the years, singers progress <br />through our sight-singing curriculum, using John Feierabend’s <br />Conv ersational Solfege as groundwork, and experience ensemble <br />work that is fun and engaging while preparing girls for excellent <br />singing indiv idually and as an ensemble. The age groupings for each <br />ensemble has ev olv ed and currently is as such: <br />SV-One is for kindergarteners and first graders. <br />SV-Two is for second and third graders. <br />SV-Three is for fourth and fifth graders. <br />SV-Four is for sixth through eighth graders. <br />SV-Fiv e will be for ninth through twelfth graders. <br />Sisters’ Voices leadership is working to promote an open, inclusiv e, <br />and accessible program. To this end, we welcome any singer who <br />wishes to join us (we do not hold auditions for the purposes of <br />admission), we offer tuition aid to anyone who needs it, and we <br />activ ely seek to expand our circle of singers and leadership to <br />include v oices we hav e not yet heard. <br />W hile we offer excellent musical teaching and experience for <br />indiv iduals, we also seek to dev elop a strong community and to <br />support indiv iduals in many ways. Our program deliberately builds <br />relationships among the singers, promotes healthy attitudes, <br />encourages cooperation, asks the best work of each singer, fosters <br />support singer-to-singer, and allows many opportunities for self- <br />expression and growth. Singers who hav e been inv olv ed for years <br />tell us that Sisters’ Voices was an important part of their dev elopment <br />of a strong sense of self and confidence in many areas of their liv es. <br />Please explain the <br />impact of your <br />organization on the <br />Orange County <br />community in a <br />typical year. <br />Our choral community is open to school-age girls liv ing in Chapel Hill, <br />Carrboro, and the surrounding area. Last year, Sisters' Voices One <br />(SV1) ensemble was comprised of 14 girls in 2nd and 3rd grades, SV2 <br />was comprised of 20 girls in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades, and SV3 was <br />comprised of 13 girls in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. In 2019-20 there was <br />also a group of 10 girls that met weekly to practice ukulele, learn <br />music theory and other music skills. Typically, SV choruses perform <br />a winter and spring concert, and a spring opera featuring the SV3 <br />ensemble, each with an audience of about 200 community members. <br />In addition to these free public concerts, SV also hosts an annual <br />fundraising ev ent called SingFling to an audience of about 100 <br />indiv iduals. Traditionally in February, SV hosts a choral workshop, <br />Glee W eekend, open to 3rd - 6th grade girls from the broader <br />community. The last Glee W eekend, SV hosted 50 girls who gav e a <br />short performance to about 50 parents. As opportunities arise, SV <br />groups perform at v arious community ev ents such as the Carrboro <br />Music Festiv al, ClydeFest, and Shakori Hills. SV singers hav e also <br />sung the national anthem numerous times for Girls on the Run <br />ev ents and for the Harlem Globetrotters v isit in 2018. Although some <br />of these ev ents take place outside of Orange County, many residents <br />of Orange County attend these ev ents and hear SV perform. In fact, it <br />is through some of these community wide ev ents that girls often <br />learn about and join the chorus. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 4841FBF3-6B43-4614-B917-CA5F037D3584