Orange County NC Website
Please explain the <br />impact of your <br />organization on the <br />Orange County <br />community in a <br />typical year. <br />Ev ery year, our signature concerts and ev ents, The Handmade <br />Parade, Riv erpark Concert, Last Fridays Art W alk, and The Solstice <br />Lantern W alk draw thousands of residents and v isitors, making Arts <br />and Culture a major driv er of our town's recent economic rev iv al. <br />Ev ery month, ov er 20 businesses and v enues, employing dozens of <br />artists, musicians, poets, authors, and dancers, participate in HAC's <br />Last Fridays Art W alk. HAC's Gallery and Gift Shop currently <br />consigns work from more than 55 local artists and craftspeople, <br />distributing ov er $2000 per month in artist commissions. W e do more <br />than support our community's economic prosperity - we create <br />unforgettable experiences that bridge gaps and spark new <br />connections. All of HAC's programs are designed to prov ide <br />meaningful opportunities for community members and v isitors to <br />gather, not only to enjoy the Arts, but to make music, dance, sing, <br />and activ ely participate in the process of creating shared culture in a <br />complex, rapidly changing world. W e collaborate with gov ernmental <br />and non-gov ernmental organizations, including our Nativ e Tribal <br />Councils, schools, history museums, community centers, and <br />churches to increase the av ailability of arts and cultural educational <br />programming, workshops, and help nav igating local support <br />networks and resources. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 5F87C543-753D-43CF-B6E6-16661AB51ADE