Orange County NC Website
Please explain your <br />intended use of a <br />Restart the Arts <br />Grant, if awarded. <br />Any funds granted us will be used toward operating expenses <br />primarily rent, utility fees, and a contract employee during the holiday <br />period. <br />Rental of our retail space is our greatest monthly expense which in <br />the past was guaranteed by a monthly fee of $165/month paid per <br />member and sales commission fees. W ith reduced hours and <br />reduced sales of the gallery, it has been a strain on some members <br />to continue their participation in our organization. W e hav e used <br />prev ious grants and loans to lower the monthly fees of all our artists <br />to $85 for sev eral months and recently increased the fee to <br />$100/month. This has enabled us to retain our artists during this time <br />of decreased sales. Receiv ing additional grant money would aid us in <br />maintaining reduced fees through next year helping to retain our <br />professional artists especially in the coming months of Jan and Feb <br />of 2022 which hav e historically been low income months. <br />W e continue to operate with reduced member artists able to work <br />inside the gallery due to health concerns. This will be a strain during <br />the holidays so we plan to hire a contact sales person to assist at the <br />sales desk. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 23F57342-D827-4BAF-96B0-FB731751537A