Orange County NC Website
Please explain the <br />impact of your <br />organization on the <br />Orange County <br />community in a <br />typical year. <br />Kidzu Children’s Museum serv es as a hub for creativ e and <br />innov ativ e learning for all Orange County families. Located at <br />Univ ersity Place near downtown Chapel Hill and one mile from the <br />Univ ersity of North Carolina, Kidzu’s physical site houses 9,000sq of <br />exhibits, designed to reflect the ethos of our community and to <br />engage young children in exploration, collaboration, creativ ity and <br />21st century skill-building. From a multi-story indoor treehouse, to <br />exhibits inspired by the local farm-to-fork mov ement, to a <br />performance space housing multiple opportunities for dramatic play, <br />to a literacy area highlighted by the work of local authors, Kidzu <br />prov ides a wealth of experiential activ ities for children ages infant to <br />pre-teen. The epicenter of the v isitor experience is The Makery - the <br />first maker space designed specifically for young children in the <br />Southeast. Pre-pandemic, we serv ed approximately 65-80,000 <br />v isitors per year in our museum space, with approximately 45% of <br />v isitors being Orange County residents. Our monthly open-access <br />Sundays allowed for all families to v isit, regardless of their ability to <br />pay, and brought in ov er 1,000 v isitors per month. Additionally, <br />before the pandemic, Kidzu partnered with many local Orange County <br />social serv ice agencies to prov ide sponsored organizational <br />memberships, to allow those families to v isit Kidzu and our many <br />exhibits whenev er they like. <br />In June 2020, Kidzu receiv ed Smart Start funds from the Orange <br />County Partnership for Young Children to facilitate weekly, ev idence- <br />based supported playgroups targeting Orange County, FFN (family, <br />friend, and neighbor) caregiv ers and children ages 0-3 years. W hile <br />FFN care is prev alent across socioeconomic and racial-ethnic <br />groups, the families most likely to use it are low-to-moderate income, <br />Latino or African American, and refugees and immigrants (Packard <br />Foundation). Dev eloped with support from UNC-CH’s FPG Child <br />Dev elopment Center, the playgroups are prov ided at no cost to <br />children and caregiv ers throughout Orange County. These <br />playgroups prov ide dev elopmentally appropriate activ ities for young <br />children to do at home with their families, and the curriculum heav ily <br />emphasizes the importance of utilizing the arts as a tool for ov erall <br />dev elopment. In 2020-2021, Kidzu offered 28 playgroups and <br />interacted with 22 unique families. Kidzu has receiv ed funding in <br />2021-2022 to expand these playgroups to ev en more Orange County <br />families. <br />Kidzu designed our exhibit spaces in collaboration with many local <br />artists, and we continually inv ite artists back into the space for <br />programming purposes. Our “Mix it Up” in the Makery series allows <br />local artists to interact with families in our Makery, and expose <br />children to a v ariety of artistic mediums and methods. Additionally, <br />we welcome local authors and theatrical organizations (such as <br />Puppet Inc., Center Theater, etc.) into our Forest Theater for book <br />readings, theatrical performances, and other activ ities. Pre- <br />pandemic, artists were prov ided with a stipend for their time and <br />serv ices in our museum space. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 18FE1632-1968-4813-8295-6CB28BF1FBB7