Orange County NC Website
Community Impact Dav id Lyles’ quilting classes will likely serv e between 10 and 20 low- <br />income, predominantly Black, community members in Chapel Hill and <br />Orange County. A slight decrease in the number of participants is <br />projected during its initial months due to the ongoing COVID-19 <br />pandemic, but requests for the classes to return, and gradually <br />increasing capacity of CEF offices, indicates demand will grow in the <br />coming months. <br />The communities that Mr. Lyles’ quilting classes serv e are v ery often <br />precluded from formal outlets of artistic expression, including <br />quilting, due to socioeconomic barriers. These classes offer a <br />welcoming and accessible space for artistic expression and self- <br />improv ement. In ov er 10 years of operation, CEF has sought to <br />create a safe space for v ulnerable communities, and Quilting Made <br />Easy is a program that lev erages this trust in order to promote <br />artistic expression and community-building. <br />Artist Experience Dav id Lyles has been quilting consistently for 35 years now, with <br />additional experience sewing clothing -- ranging from wedding <br />dresses to outfits expressing African and African-American cultural <br />influences. Beyond quilting and sewing for indiv iduals, his work has <br />also been displayed at v arious community ev ents, arts shows, and <br />fashion shows in Chapel Hill. <br />Before the pandemic, Mr. Lyles organized and ran weekly quilting <br />classes for Chapel Hill community members in partnership with the <br />Community Empowerment Fund. These began approximately fiv e <br />years ago, and conducted the classes whenev er the Community <br />Empowerment Fund’s office was open and av ailable to host the <br />courses. At its peak, Mr. Lyles’ quilting class had 20-25 participants <br />that came consistently on a weekly basis. Participants learned to <br />quilt, with the goal of creating and completing their own full-sized <br />quilts to take home and call their own. <br />PROJECT/PROGRAM <br />BUDGET <br />Please fill out the charts below with your project's expenses and <br />income. Use the "Explanation" box to offer details for each category. <br />NOTE: The Total Cash Expense must equal the Total Cash Income. <br />Budgeted Expense <br />430f195c-c368-4b70-a5dc-df936ce5a9a9.xlsx <br />Budgeted Income <br />95ed627a-5b24-4559-bc32-06dc80d81861.xlsx <br />Resumes of artists/administrators <br />Dav id_Lyles_Resume.pdf <br />Publicity Samples n/a <br />W ork Samples <br />Dav id_Lyles_W ork_Samples.pdf <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 69D5F63C-AD86-4541-AA21-CAB202F306A8