Orange County NC Website
Please explain your <br />intended use of a <br />Restart the Arts <br />Grant, if awarded. <br />Members of the HV Core Team serv e as community collaborators, <br />project leaders, administrator-managers, & project artist-creators. <br />Each project has its own dev elopment team: a Core Team Leader, <br />Core Project Artists, artists in the collectiv e who create project <br />components (from v isual artists collaborating on exhibits to <br />community/professional performers) & stakeholders. Ev eryone, from <br />the Founder-Director to project artists is paid as a contractor. <br />Core Personnel Support is our most critical need. Most of our income <br />is project-specific and cannot be spent on operating costs, so those <br />funds may extend ov er multiple years. Indiv idual project costs are far <br />easier to fund through donations, issue-specific grants, and <br />community partnerships. <br />In late summer 2020, we hired on a part-time basis a new Managing <br />Director, a position that had been unfilled for nearly six months as we <br />nav igated what the pandemic would mean in terms of canceled <br />performances, exhibits, and ev ents. By summer, howev er, we <br />recognized that the health of the organization required someone <br />ov erseeing increasing operational details. The collectiv e was still <br />generating artistic material and fieldwork ev en through v enues were <br />closed. The core team was exploring v arious v irtual experiments as <br />they struggled to keep projects on track. The need for a core team <br />member whose main role was administrativ e/management was clear. <br />The Managing Director ov ersees flow for current projects, which <br />hav e multiple components in v arying stages of <br />dev elopment/production. For instance, a single component of <br />Serv ing Life -- RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW (Duke U Press 2021) - is <br />generating requests for collaborations for performances, readings, & <br />community conv ersations from institutions across the country, <br />including three 2022 ev ents in Orange County. The MD is also Core <br />Team Leader for the Visionary Leadership Cohort, a component of <br />W eAreHere: Imagining a W orld without Sexual Violence. The MD <br />leads efforts for 15 students working to end sexual v iolence as they <br />prepare their Vision W all installations, community <br />performances/readings, and restorativ e circles. The MD leads on <br />Community Dev elopment, building relationships with project partners <br />& v olunteers, including students. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 27B8BEB3-EB74-405B-9C6B-C68CD6BEEA8F