Orange County NC Website
accessible, culturally-congruent, art-based mental health serv ices by <br />trained clinicians across the Triangle and Triad regions of North <br />Carolina, operating in schools, resettlement agencies, health clinics, <br />homes, and community centers. In addition to serv ing newcomer <br />children in the school systems, ATI also offers art therapy to adults <br />through the Carrboro Community Health Center, monthly women’s <br />groups, and through groups offered by Church W orld Serv ices in <br />Durham. Newcomers present with a unique set of mental health <br />concerns. Beyond the potential - and probable - trauma experienced <br />before and during migration to the United States, newcomers also <br />contend with difficulties experienced post-arriv al, including language <br />and cultural barriers, financial concerns, ongoing legal battles, <br />homesickness, ethnic discrimination, and other barriers to housing, <br />employment, and education. These div erse issues compound the <br />complex trauma newcomers are often already experiencing. ATI’s <br />Newcomers Program helps clients express and process this complex <br />trauma, build confidence lev els, learn social skills, and acquire <br />acculturation practices. By helping to address the mental health <br />needs of newcomers in the community, ATI helps these indiv iduals <br />become better acculturated and integral members of their <br />communities. <br />Beyond these two programs, ATI’s Arts and Peer Support Group <br />serv es div erse adults liv ing with a range of sev ere and persistent <br />mental illnesses. Using the expressiv e arts, group members learn to <br />celebrate themselv es as artists and integral community members <br />rather than as stigmatized people. ATI does not charge a fee for <br />participants to attend this weekly program. This commitment to <br />mental health accessibility has helped under-resourced community <br />members attend this group since 2011. <br />In addition to these three programs, ATI prov ides art therapy to <br />general population indiv iduals and also hosts workshops for other <br />nonprofit organizations, serv ing a v ariety of populations such as <br />people liv ing with a chronic illness or youth needing extra support. <br />ATI also prov ides a v ariety of professional training opportunities <br />through workshop series and internships for community members. <br />Each month ATI hosts community art shows which celebrate its <br />clients and their work as well as the work of artists liv ing in our <br />community. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0882C1F6-CA79-42B1-994E-254F3E3E0522