Orange County NC Website
Please explain your <br />intended use of a <br />Restart the Arts <br />Grant, if awarded. <br />The importance of mental health became a big topic of discussion <br />during the pandemic. Fear of contracting COVID and needing to <br />isolate caused many people to dev elop anxiety and depression. At <br />the Art Therapy Institute, referrals for treatment hav e greatly <br />increased and because of that, ATI is experiencing a period of <br />tremendous growth. To help support continuing growth, ATI's plans <br />include renting additional office space and hiring new clinicians. <br />If awarded a Restart the Arts grant, ATI will use the funds toward rent <br />on its two Orange County locations to bolster the organization's <br />ongoing growth. This will allow ATI to focus on dev elopment of the <br />third location, utilizing the necessary resources to dev elop a third, <br />thriv ing client base. <br />Long term, combined growth in ATI 's three-locations is projected to <br />support the cost of further dev elopment, with the ultimate goal of <br />keeping the cost of art therapy at a minimum while the organization <br />reaches new clients. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0882C1F6-CA79-42B1-994E-254F3E3E0522