2021-600-E-Housing-NC Coalition to End Homelessness-Database Management
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2021-600-E-Housing-NC Coalition to End Homelessness-Database Management
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Last modified
10/22/2021 3:39:00 PM
Creation date
10/22/2021 3:38:49 PM
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c) Designate two CoC representatives to the HMIS Advisory Board, which oversees and governs the <br />regional HMIS implementation (see HMIS Advisory Board responsibilities below). <br />d) Request revisions to any HMIS operational agreement, policy, or procedure. Requests will be <br />sent to the HMIS Advisory Board through the Chapel Hill/Orange County CoC’s representatives. <br />e) Conduct outreach to homeless assistance agencies not using HMIS and encourage these <br />agencies and other mainstream programs serving homeless people to participate in HMIS. <br />f) Work to inform elected officials, government agencies, the nonprofit community, and the public <br />about the role and importance of HMIS and HMIS data. <br />g) Promote the effective use of HMIS data, including its use to measure the extent and nature of <br />homelessness, the utilization of services and homeless programs over time, and the <br />effectiveness of homeless programs. <br />h) Provide all local information as necessary for compilation of the Continuum of Care Housing <br />Inventory Count and Point-in-Time Count and support the HMIS Lead Agency in preparing the <br />Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR), Longitudinal System Analysis (LSA), and System <br />Performance Measures (SPMs) reporting. <br /> <br />2. HMIS Advisory Board <br />The HMIS operates under a model of shared governance of the participating Continuums of Care. The <br />CoCs exercise the following responsibilities for HMIS governance through the HMIS Advisory Board: <br />a) Implement and continuously improve the HMIS. <br />b) Ensure the HMIS scope aligns with the requirements of agencies, HUD and other federal <br />partners, and other stakeholder groups. <br />c) Address any issue that has major implications for the HMIS, such as HMIS Data Standards <br />revisions released by HUD or HMIS vendor performance problems. <br />d) Review, revise, and approve all HMIS operational policies developed by the HMIS Lead Agency <br />and submit all approved operational documents to each CoC Board of Directors (or equivalent <br />CoC governing body). <br />e) Ensure agency and user compliance with the federal HMIS Standards and all HMIS operational <br />agreements, policies, and procedures. <br />f) Provide guidance and oversight of HMIS-related user and agency compliance monitoring <br />undertaken by the HMIS Lead Agency. <br />g) Approve HMIS Lead Agency recommendations to terminate a user license or restrict the HMIS <br />participation of a Partner Agency. <br />h) Evaluate the HMIS Lead Agency and software performance. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 15A54062-A0C2-4786-9B32-7A3F2AA86B05
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