Orange County NC Website
HMIS@NCCEH <br />Background & Scope of Work <br /> <br />Background <br />The HMIS is a collaborative project of three North Carolina Continuums of Care (CoCs) – City of <br />Durham/Durham County, North Carolina Balance of State, and Chapel Hill/Orange County – the HMIS <br />Lead Agency, and participating Partner Agencies. An HMIS is an internet-based, local information <br />technology system used to collect client-level data about the number, characteristics, and needs of <br />persons experiencing homelessness and those at-risk of homelessness as well as data on the provision of <br />housing and services to these populations. Use of HMIS is mandated by the U.S. Department of Housing <br />and Urban Development (HUD) for all communities and agencies receiving HUD Continuum of Care and <br />Emergency Solutions Grant funds; by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for agencies receiving <br />Supportive Services for Veteran Families and Grant Per Diem funds; and by the U.S. Department of <br />Health and Human Services for agencies receiving Projects for Assistance in Transition from <br />Homelessness and Runaway and Homeless Youth funds. <br />Continuums of Care are community-wide initiatives that work to provide a range of housing and services <br />for people experiencing homelessness. The Continuum of Care system includes homelessness <br />prevention assistance, street outreach, emergency shelter, transitional housing, rapid re-housing, <br />permanent supportive housing, supportive services only, and specialized programs that outreach <br />designated homeless subpopulations, and integration with “mainstream” programs. <br />HMIS enables homeless service providers to collect uniform client information over time. HMIS is <br />essential to efforts to streamline client services and to inform public policy decisions aimed at <br />addressing and ending homelessness at local, state, and federal levels. Through HMIS, people <br />experiencing homelessness benefit from improved coordination in and between agencies, informed <br />advocacy efforts, and policies that result in targeted services. Analysis of information gathered through <br />HMIS is critical to the preparation of a periodic accounting of homelessness, which may include <br />measuring the extent and nature of homelessness, the utilization of services and homeless programs <br />over time, and the effectiveness of homeless programs. Such an unduplicated accounting of <br />homelessness is necessary for service and systems planning, effective resource allocation, and advocacy. <br /> <br />Scope of Work/Specific Responsibilities of the Parties <br />1. Continuums of Care <br />Chapel Hill/Orange County Continuum of Care provides oversight, project direction, policy setting, and <br />guidance for the HMIS project along with partner CoCs. It is the responsibility of the Chapel Hill/Orange <br />County CoC to: <br />a) Designate the HMIS Lead Agency and the software to be used for HMIS and approve any <br />changes to the HMIS Lead Agency or software. <br />b) Approve the HMIS Governance Charter, or any amendments to it. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 15A54062-A0C2-4786-9B32-7A3F2AA86B05