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12 <br /> Chair Price said she thinks this is a great idea, and wants to spread the word about the <br /> economic impacts statewide. She said it will have a rippling effect, bringing money, happiness <br /> and joy, which everyone will need after the pandemic. She said it will also bring communities <br /> together. <br /> Katie Murray thanked the Commissioners for the comments, and said she believes the <br /> heat will be beneficial in driving people into businesses to cool off. She said there will also be <br /> spritzers and fans as merchandise for the event. <br /> Chair Price said there are misters at festivals in Las Vegas, which could be an option for <br /> certain areas of the festival. <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br /> a. NCDOT Public Transportation Division/Public Transportation — 5311 Community <br /> Transportation Program Grant Application for FY 2023 <br /> The Board conducted a public hearing on the proposed NCDOT 5311 Community <br /> Transportation Program grant application; approved submittal of the 5311 Grant application for <br /> FY 2023 in the total amount of$187,568, with a local match total of$28,135 to be provided <br /> when necessary; approved and authorized the Chair to sign the 5311 Program Resolution, <br /> Local Share Certification, Anticipated DBE/DWE Vendor Awards; DBE Certification Form; EEO <br /> Questionnaire Form; and the Title VI Program Report; reviewed the 2021 Certification and <br /> Assurances Signature Pages and authorized the Chair and the County Attorney to review and <br /> sign the FY22 Certifications and Assurances when available; and reviewed and approved the <br /> Grant Designee Certification Form Resolution authorizing the Transportation Services Director <br /> to serve as the designee. <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> Each year, the NCDOT Public Transportation Division accepts requests for administrative <br /> needs for county-operated community transportation programs. OCPT is eligible to make <br /> application for administrative funding. NCDOT has awarded OCPT $159,433 in grant funds, a <br /> detailed breakdown is outlined in the table below: <br /> 5311 Grant Application: FY23 <br /> Total $ 187,568 <br /> Federal $ 159,433 <br /> Local $ 28,135 <br /> Theo Letman, Transportation Director, reviewed the background information for the <br /> item. He said this is an annual request for approval to apply for the rural transportation <br /> administrative grant program. He said the Community Transportation Program (CTP) is <br /> administered by the state and requires a local match. He said it provides administrative support <br /> for community operated Community transportation programs. He said the County typically uses <br /> these funds for administrative and staff salaries, as well as other administrative supplies that <br /> reduces cost to the County for services provided in rural areas. He said the grant provides <br /> Orange County access to funds for transportation infrastructure that promotes economic self- <br /> sufficiency to a wide range of residents and locations. He said in the past year, this funding <br /> undergirded the rural transportation services in Orange County. He said a public hearing is <br />