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8 <br /> WHEREAS, every member of our community should understand that throughout life's struggles <br /> we need reminders that we are not alone and can reach out for help; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County chooses to publicly state and place our full support behind local <br /> educators, mental and physical health professionals, athletic coaches, scout leaders, police <br /> officers, faith leaders, and parents as partners in supporting our community in being available to <br /> one another; and <br /> WHEREAS, all residents are encouraged to take the time to inquire as to the wellbeing of their <br /> family, friends, and neighbors, to listen to their concerns, and convey appreciation for their <br /> existence; <br /> NOW THEREFORE, we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim <br /> September 2021 as Suicide Prevention Month in Orange County, recognizing suicide as a <br /> serious public health problem that can have long-lasting effects on individuals, families and <br /> communities, that suicide is preventable, and that everyone can help by learning the warning <br /> signs, promoting prevention and resilience, and making necessary social changes. <br /> This, the 14th Day of September 2021. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Fowler, to <br /> approve the proclamation, as amended, designating September 2021 as Suicided Prevention <br /> Month in Orange County, and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> Roll call ensued <br /> VOTE: Unanimous <br /> Chair Price said in past years, the Health Department has organized events at local <br /> parks together to bring awareness and understanding around this issue, but this is not <br /> happening this year due to the pandemic. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said someone who is contemplating suicide is in pain and we <br /> need to be willing to help them seek help. She said talking about suicide does not cause it, but <br /> rather it is the silence that can kill. She encouraged people to get immediate help at 1-800-273- <br /> TALK, call 911, or go to the hospital emergency department in a crisis. She said the Orange <br /> County website has a page that briefly educates on the signs and what to do. She said Orange <br /> County hopes to have its own crisis center. <br /> Chair Price said suicide ideation and suicide have increased amongst teenagers and <br /> young people during pandemic. <br /> Commissioner Fowler thanked Commissioner Hamilton for her serious approach to this <br /> topic. She said it is always important to prioritize self-care, but especially during the pandemic <br /> and if things start to feel worse reach out to friends and professionals in the community to <br /> hopefully prevent those feelings from reaching a crisis point. <br /> c. Orange County Preparedness Month Proclamation <br /> The Board approved a proclamation declaring September 2021 as "Orange County <br /> Preparedness Month". <br />