<br />GUARDIAN RFID System Agreement | 11
<br />
<br />©2020 GUARDIAN RFID. All rights reserved. GUARDIAN RFID is a U.S. registered trademark.
<br />Confidential & Proprietary. (Rev. 7/2020)
<br />agreed to by the parties in writing prior to the Customer changing the configuration of any of the
<br />Customer’s Third-Party Software or the Customer’s Third-Party Hardware.
<br />(a) GUARDIAN RFID Intellectual Property.
<br />(i) Except for the rights expressly granted to the Customer under this Agreement, GUARDIAN
<br />RFID will retain all right, title, and interest in and to the GUARDIAN RFID Software Materials
<br />and GUARDIAN RFID OnDemand, including all worldwide technology and intellectual
<br />property and proprietary rights.
<br />(ii) With the exception of the Hardware purchased pursuant to this Agreement, GUARDIAN RFID
<br />retains title to any other deliverables under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, all
<br />copies and audiovisual aspects of the deliverables and all rights to patents, copyrights,
<br />trademarks, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights in the deliverables.
<br />(iii) Any and all trademarks and trade names which GUARDIAN RFID uses in connection with
<br />this Agreement are and shall remain the exclusive property of GUARDIAN RFID. Nothing in
<br />this Agreement will be deemed to give the Customer any right, title, or interest in any
<br />trademark or trade name of GUARDIAN RFID.
<br />(iv) All right, title, and interest in all derivative works, enhancements, and other improvements to
<br />the GUARDIAN RFID Software Materials, GUARDIAN RFID OnDemand, and other
<br />GUARDIAN RFID intellectual property and all processes relating thereto, whether or not
<br />patentable, and any patent applications or patents based thereon, made or conceived during,
<br />and a result of, this Agreement shall be owned solely by GUARDIAN RFID. For the
<br />avoidance of doubt, GUARDIAN RFID will have all right, title, and interest in any
<br />modifications made to the GUARDIAN RFID Software Materials, GUARDIAN RFID
<br />OnDemand, and other GUARDIAN RFID intellectual property to allow GUARDIAN RFID
<br />intellectual property to function with Customer’s intellectual property and Customer’s Third-
<br />Party Software. The Customer will, at GUARDIAN RFID’s request, cooperate with and assist
<br />GUARDIAN RFID in obtaining intellectual property for any derivative works, enhancements,
<br />or other improvements covered by this paragraph.
<br />(v) GUARDIAN RFID expressly reserves any rights not expressly granted to the Customer by
<br />this Agreement.
<br />(vi) The Customer shall not remove, efface, or obscure any confidentiality, proprietary, copyright,
<br />or similar notices or disclaimers from any GUARDIAN RFID Software Materials, GUARDIAN
<br />RFID OnDemand, or any materials provided under this Agreement.
<br />(b) GUARDIAN RFID Information. GUARDIAN RFID retains ownership of all GUARDIAN RFID
<br />Information.
<br />(c) Customer Information. The Customer retains ownership of all Customer Information.
<br />(d) Inmate Data. The Customer owns any inmate management, monitoring, and tracking data
<br />collected as part of the GUARDIAN RFID System (“Inmate Data”). Prior to the expiration or
<br />termination of this Agreement, the Customer may access the Inmate Data by either running a
<br />report on GUARDIAN RFID OnDemand and exporting the Inmate Data, or requesting that
<br />GUARDIAN RFID run a report, at no additional expense to the Customer, and send the Customer
<br />the Inmate Data. Unless otherwise directed by the Customer, GUARDIAN RFID will maintain a
<br />copy of the Inmate Data for up to one (1) year after expiration or termination of this Agreement.
<br />DocuSign Envelope ID: DD745968-955D-4BC3-861E-CC4C36AA7B3D