Orange County NC Website
9 <br />pmsoanel salaries nod ether compensation must be implemevkd W aerordavice with <br />[he couvry'a personnel polices entl pay elassitleatlan plaq m approved by the <br />County Beard of ComWSSfovers. DocumevtaHOn of such increases shall be made <br />available to the NCDOCCdPP Upon request <br />D, Cvv[rects for Profnsivnal Services: the Cmmtee azsmes Ihat in any NCDOCCIPP <br />pmgem err p ject rtquicivg she pmcuremrnt of emlmemal services a competitive <br />bidding or compedHve vegoHmion prbceee will be used whet eppropriak eM pmmiwl <br />and whrn required by law or by ewvry policy !o all eases Ne Gmvtee shall secure the <br />most coat-effective mamim of providing servces. to the ease where Ne county opts rot <br />m use a rompeH6ve process aM Hte ws[ of emvacmel services exceeds the range of <br />typical mk¢ for such services m other couvtles, the NCDOCCR'P may require the wvnty <br />k make a request for proposals or utilize compeddve b'ddivg before expending feuds far <br />wnlmcNal9CIVIC6. <br />Contracts shall wvmin informatiww~ about the scope and cosh of services m he revd¢ed <br />and the number of pereons to be served, the Gmntm shall draft service contract <br />according m C1PP guidelines for proposed wvtacrs, and Hk Omnke shall have the <br />responsibility for securing from G]PP such guidelines before entering into rontract for <br />aervie<s. <br />A copy of Ne proposed covtrac[ most 6e sobmlHed [or wvsitlmadoo during the <br />NCDOCCJPP review of [he' Grantee's play err oppllestiav. No foods may be <br />ezpevdetl fm rnutract egcemmt uvHi such contracm are recebed and approved ee <br />a part a(the greet application process <br />E. Ioaurmre and Ivdemnitiratioo: Groot fiends may am be committed for htvrance or <br />indenmifcatlm expenses uNesa Ne Grantee's plm and applicetim duvovstrak then a) <br />types and exknt and cost ofcovemge wHl be m accordance wiW local govemmrnt policy <br />and sound business pmedce and b) cosh will notbe charged far connibudons to a reserve <br />for eself-imumnce program. Grant foods may not be ttquened by the Gmvkc if eery <br />expmdihves are ro be made for ivsutance or indemNficanov costs far which the above <br />certification wmrot be made unless camplcte derails and juedfication have been <br />submined ~o the NCDOCCIPP and prior approval ha¢ hem gamed. <br />F. Rent and/or Lease of Space or EquipmmL Ali lames rotated into for purposes of a <br />fwded projmt shall he made a[ Ne lowest reasonable prices. The Omneee may use its <br />normal leasing pro<edmce and space requirements £or employees. The rmml charge <br />must be consistent with prevailing rakawdre roes. The Grantor shill not be obligated <br />for evy rent or lease agreement beyond [he gran[period. <br />Any leaseholder improvemrnt k be made by the Gravree must be included m the <br />approved grant budge. The Grmice must secure written dacumen[eaon of the m:trnt to <br />which dse Crtmtee will be compensated for such leaseholder improvement by Ne lessor <br />craenction in ma charg<rorrCni,.m,>. <br />G. Trave4 Lodging and Subsukoce: Expenditures end allowable cast value for navel, <br />lodging and subsiatmce shall not exceed the nortoal and usual amount allewable by Ne <br />Pag¢ 9-luly 1.3001 b ]we 30.3[03 <br />