Orange County NC Website
normal commercial purchasing pmcedwes. The NCDOCCIPP reserves the ri~rt to <br />establish the price or set Ne allowable coat value of any items ecquittd by the Grwcee <br />without compliance wish those provisions. <br />All new vehicles purchased with project Lands mart follow formal bid procedmee. This <br />procedure involves soliciting angled bids from gvalifled sources o[ supply. The <br />requirement is legally edvenisM wd bids arc opened iv public. At least two msponsible <br />bids must be receivM and [be Ivwest bid enure be acceprod. Any vehicle purchase <br />cagvima prior approval of the NCDOCCIPP. Cowries also boas the option to make <br />purchases order State tourism. All suaM1 purchases matlh with NCDOCC]PP grout <br />Nntla must result in ownership by Ne Grnvke monty of purchased Items, <br />8. YearvEnd ExpevtliNras: All expmdiNre3 must be made by June 30, 2002 iv order m <br />be mimbursd Gom Eecal year 2001-02 funds. The Cranks mmt request <br />relmbureement vlkntls spent in a grant year by August 15 fallowing the Vet day of <br />[hat grant year. Any request Por reimhurumevl made otter August 15 wtll be paitl <br />from mrrenl. year gran[ funds, i<auch lends are avvlable. Atltlitlovelly, each <br />Croaks shall submit by March 31 0[ each year a summery of prof eMed current <br />grant yur expevtllkrea far impkmmkdan and dkcretlonary fuvtls. <br />V. AgowablelNov-allowable G'09k <br />A. Agowable Costa: The allowebiliry o£msts ivcuned under my gcmt eFSll be determined <br />k accordance wish Ne ganeml principles of allowebiliry and stmdards ea by the <br />NCDOCC3PP. V the allowebiliry of m expmdimre sensor be determined because <br />records or docummktiov are ivadequak, the quesfiovable cost shill be disallowed. <br />B. Expenses NOt Allowable: The Grantee may not expend grant kvda for the following: e) <br />items not pert of the approved budget; b) indirect cveta. The Grantce may not expend <br />funds Poc the following unless specified in the Omvve's pIm or application for leading <br />and approved by Ne NCDOCCIPP: a) mnswdion or rmovadov of a ihci4ry, atrvctwe <br />m building; b) purchase of automobiles or vchidcs; and c) purchase of bWldingr and <br />a3a0ciahd Imd or payment of re91 estate me[[gages or $C6. Tha Glall[ee may n0[ <br />expend grant funds for the following wiess prior written approval eepamte ffom tlsc <br />Grmme a plan wd appliwriw is obtainer from tl3e NCDOCCIPP: e) purchase of raw <br />laud ve b) mtertainmavt. <br />C. Pmaonnel: All of the dories and aervicee rendered m performed k the activity of tlila <br />pmjmt will be wder Ne Gmmee'e supervision, and all penowel engaged m the work <br />shill be fully quelifiN wd shell be authorized or pmniard wdm federal, state, and local <br />law ro perform such services. Salary and other compmeadon for musty personnel <br />ngagW in the work shall be based on eehbliehed mwty personnel policies covering <br />qualificariova end development and maintmmce pfjvb desaiprioua, and selarics shell be <br />established in eccoNmce wile N<county's approved pay clasaifcatiov play. <br />Personnel costs shall not he aggwabie a9 aaem to be financetl w whale ar in part <br />with this gray[ awarq unless the position or allowable cos[ thereof k specNCally <br />on-rained within the narrative porfiov of the nppllm[fov and the approved budget <br />antl then only as to [he mat therein tlesignated as approved. All increases in cauvty <br />Page ]~-ruly I, 2001 io lone 30, ]0@ <br />