Orange County NC Website
C. Audit and Inspection: The Crzmtre ogees m have performed m amual audit of Ne <br />NCDOCCIPP.fmded project and submit a copy [o the OBce of grate Audiror and make <br />copy available locally for inepcctim by NCDOCCIPP smtf. Thu emval audir <br />requimmmt is seris5ed if the NCDOCCIPP.Lmded program is part of the Grmtec's <br />amllel single audit Grantees receiving 5300,000 or mom u NCDOCCIPP fun&ng <br />mmvally must also rare[ audit complimce mquiremeva of the Single Audit Att of 1984, <br />minded. The NoM Carolina Depermrem o£ Cvrmfioq and Ne State Audimr's <br />offeq or any of their duly authorized cepreaenptivm, shall have access for the pmpoee of <br />audit and ruminanm to mY bookq dowmrnU, papers, and records Nat pertain to this <br />projxt Ifasa[esult ofwspec[ion ofNe eudiS mYP Jett expe~itmc is disallowetl, ae <br />NCDOCCIPP may N is sole diecretien reduce Ne amomt of the grant award by the <br />ammun[ disallowed o[ demmd repayment <br />D. RePOrdvg Requiremena: The Grantee ogees [o submit financial reports, <br />anitorag/eveluadon reports and/or infommtim a wridvg or elearovically as requicd <br />by the NCDOCCJPP. The Grmt« agora m provide scgulm progress repents accmding <br />to Ne schedule and fomat se[by the NCDOCCRP. <br />E. Release of Informadou: All non-client records, papers, and vtha documents kept by <br />Ne Grmme and any wntreca mdm Ne gtmt reledvg to Ne receipt and disposition of <br />NCDOCCIPP funds ere required m be made available wdm Ne tern a and condiaovs of <br />applicable sate reguutiona. These records must be kept m file for dues yearn following <br />the close of each amual grmtpedod <br />F. Assigvmmt of IntereeD The Grantee shell rat assign any utmost iv Utls gent <br />agreement and shall not o-visfm soy interest wheNer by assignment or voation, wimout <br />Ne prior written consm[ ofae Grantor thereof, except ee apecifiedherem. <br />G. Thlrtl Parly Participedov: The Grmtee may enter inro a covo-act or ageemmt for <br />emdon ofNCDOCClPP projen activities m for provisim o£setvica described iv the <br />approved NCDOCCIPP plm or apphcatiov. Any such contracts or ageemma shall <br />provide thin Ne Grantee will remin ultimate cmtol and respormibility far Ne project and <br />that Ne service provide m cmnaacmr shall be bmmd 6y Ne Grantee's NCDOCC.IPP <br />gent ewaN covmet end condidms. Thu includes services provided to the Grantee by <br />n advisory board arany advisory board committees m subcmmmirees, by vvlmmers, by <br />sate and local agcn es or any oNm parties. In any case, where Ne Grmree rates mto <br />m agrcemrn[ or a rontmcl wiN third panics, and whin such agrcemmrs or connaca me <br />rat eontrery to uw, Ne NCDOCCIPP shall not be obiige0.d or table far my breach of <br />convect or oNer scrim N Wes m my party other thin the original Gmvcee. <br />The Grantee is responsible for acquiring and following NCDOCCJPP gnidelirres covering <br />payment of ud'vect costs before egeeing m pay edminu[rotive costs wiN gnu funds. <br />IM1e Grmtee shall provide one copy of any su<h wrttten agreemeva ar contact <br />dvcumena to the NCDOCCSPP W the Gravae's emuL community c rrectlane <br />plan or a my amendments involving Dre name. Approval vI tM1C Grantela mnual <br />unity rorrmtlans play or plan amevdmeva shall rnvatlmte approval of <br />agreemm4 or mnfraca conbinetl therein. <br />Page 3--]sly I, 2001 to lone ]0, 2ro2 <br />