Orange County NC Website
A. ConGlrt of InkmG No individual, public official, or employre of a skte or unit of <br />lorzl govemmmt ro which a NCDOCClPP fmdetl project is awazded may participate k <br />m admiW¢4etlve decision with rcapat to the project i£ such a deciaiev can be expected <br />to reflW[ w my brnefi[ o vch az e royalty, commission, contreoq <br />condngent £tt, brokerage feerdividmd, or other benefits nr income to hinWer or any <br />member of his9aerimmedime family. <br />B. Pardsxv Political AefivitY Prohibited: None of the funds, meteruls, property, or <br />service pmvidM tlirec[ly or wdirectly wder this greet shall be used far my parksm <br />political aHivity, ro further the election m defeat of my can&dek far public office, err £vs <br />publicity or pmpagmda purpous deeign~ m suppoa err m def I legislatlvv pending <br />before any legislative body, m a referendum or odrermatkr before Ne elec[omm. <br />VDI. ProLUrls/Inmme(rom Grank <br />A. Capyrighk: Where activities supported by tW¢ grant produce origkel books, films, <br />omputer programs or otber wpyrightable makriW, fie Grenke may copyright such, but <br />the NCDOCCIPP preserves aroyalty-Gee, vonexciwive and iaevowble Greene m <br />reproduce, publish, and use h materiels, and ro auWoriu others to do so. Any <br />royalties received from copyrights and pazmb during the grout period shall be rekined <br />by the Gmnke and incocpora~M into the genet budget. <br />B. PubliraHans: ]be Cnmtee may publish, at i6 own expewe, the reaWte of gmM acfiviry <br />wiNout prwr review by the NCDOCCIPP provided Nat any publication (written, Orel, or <br />vifluW) covkivs m acknowledgment of the NCDOCCIPP support and disclosure of the <br />cast of eacM1 wpy of [he publication. The cwt disclosure shall skte the [okl number of <br />pieces published and the coat of each. At feast one copy of any such publivafion must <br />be fvrniebed to the NCDOCGIPP, except v otherwise requested and approvetl. <br />Publicadon of dacumm[s or repona with grant fuMfl beyond quantities required to meet <br />skntlard report rttpdremmts must be provided fur w approval pmjea plans oc budgets <br />m cthawise appmvedby the NCDOCCIPP. <br />C. Publintlon Skkmmk: The Crzmtee agrees that any publicatiev (writkq visual, or <br />audio, ben excluding yews releases, vewslmem, and issue analyses) isuW by his Camtee <br />or by my aubcontracror describing progmrtu or R jects funded'm whole or in part with <br />Stale fmWS, shall contain the (ollowwg ssaremmr <br />"This project was supported by a grant provided by the NQUOCCIPP. Pointe of view or <br />opinioru <mtained witbk [his document me these of the author and do not necessarily <br />rcpment the official position or policies of We North Cemlka Depamnent of Coatttiov <br />Criminal Jmtice Parmemhip Progrem.° <br />The Grantee also agrees that one wpy o[ any such publira~ivn will be submitted ro <br />NCDOCCIPP m be placed on fle and distribukd as appropna[e m other pokndal <br />Grantees or internted parties. The NCDOCCIPP may waive the requirement far <br />submission of any specific publication upon subrission of a requert providing <br />justiGCatipn from the Comae. <br />Pegu 10.duly 1,]Wl,o luu30.2W2 <br />