Orange County NC Website
Gmnree for such costs order mlee and policies applicable m Grmtee's aficial business. <br />In the even[ that Gmvtee haz. no esmblishetl tole, regWetion, or policy regrading such <br />ezpenses; the maximum payment and allowable cost will be Ne torten[ prevailing rates <br />allowed for North Cazolire stare employees. Any deviation 5vm the aforementioned <br />expense allowances mast be approved by the Grmror in writing before being incurred. <br />Prior approval by [he NCDOCCJPP is r qu'vetl for ell out-of-aorta Navel to be paid <br />with grmt funtls, except for spy ouch trips apceifietl la the approvetl plan end <br />appticadao. <br />H. Equipment evtl Otber Capihi Expevtllturer: The Gmnree hereby cerfifies that e) no <br />other equipment owned by the Gmvtee is available for the pmjcct; b) grout funds will nor <br />be used to pmvitle rcimbursemen[ for the pwchase price of equipment awned by the <br />Grmlee; c) H aluipmmt ie used for pmpoees other then uds project, the apprapnam <br />promtian of costs ro each acrivity involved will h effwted; and dj the cost of egaipmen[ <br />purchased wilh Grantee fiords will be [educed ro the extort of resalehemvery vulva <br />where use of such equipment fnr cartying rv[ the pagwses of the gm[ project is <br />discontinued either during the life of Ne projector at the end of the print period. Cravt <br />(undo exrceding $20,D00 may hot be ezpevtletl or dommiked far the acquiaitlov or <br />lease oP aummadc darn prcceseivg egaipmev4 whether by outright purchase, rental <br />purchsse agreemev4 or by other method purchase wi[hoot prior Grantor approval. <br />The Gravror shell not be ob4gated for any payments for equipment or other npifal <br />expenditures beyovtl the grant period. <br />VI. Grav[Retlactipv/fermlmdov of Grav[ <br />A. Greet Reductlov:IDNeevevt that any costs to be financed in wheleminpert by funds <br />for this grml are disallowed, We Cantor may, iv its sole discretion: a) reduce the amount <br />of the grant by the emom[ oY Ne coat that u disallowed; ar b) apply Ne amount of the <br />coat that is diaallowetl to some other cost of the pmgmm m p ject. The amount of any <br />reduction in the grant award shall, in. the dismedov of the Grantor, be hnmediarely <br />ovemble ham the Grabcee by the Grantor G the gent awed is reduced due to <br />disallowmceof coats. <br />B. Grant Termivadov: This grant may be terminated or fiord paymmm suspended by the <br />Secretary of the North Cmvliva Depazmsm[ oP Corrwnm where there is a faimre to <br />wmply with Ne terms and mvditions of she folivwing: <br />the approved plan and application and attachmmb; <br />b. [he gam award contract and specific condidovs or requ'vvnmrs; <br />e. my mate or fedmal law. to which compliance is required: <br />d. any policies ofthe State of North Caroline or the NCDOCCJPP; oc <br />e. m audit report which ivdudes audit exception vv[ mswemd m the smisfamion of <br />the 6CD000JPP. <br />Upon fmdlag of failure ro comply, the Director of dse Division of Community <br />Corzectims shall follow the procedure autlitied iv [he smm[e govemivg the program (NC <br />G.B.§1436-293.8). <br />VH. Employee Aetividee <br />Pngc 9~-lair 1, 2001 to lone ID, 2902 <br />