Orange County NC Website
DRAFT Policy St¢tement <br />Use of County Funds For <br />Joint Parks and Open Space Px'ojects <br />September ]0, 2001 <br />Rationale <br />b'rnm 19982000, &ue dAfemnt reports have pointed out tkc good fax <br />significant collaboration among the Towns and the County for certain parks <br />nod re eaaen initiatives, pointing out ewnomies of senlq the avoidance of <br />dupliaatipn aP services, and the apportmuties and IimitaHans of ennh <br />jurisdi~winn in terms aP available rosources (financial and otherwise). In eeoh <br />q the Oounty has been identified es the jurisdiction boat able to take the <br />lead in ~adlabnrativa imciatives fax paeke and open apace. <br />The Orange County Board of Commieeicnera took eeveral steps in 1999 and <br />2000 w facilitate the ability to collaborate on joint parka mtl open apace <br />projects. On December i, 1999, the board of Cemmiesipners adopted criteria <br />and guidelines to help guide deasion-making for joint psnks projects. In <br />Apeil, 2000, [he Board created the Lands Legacy program as a framework £nr <br />the aequieition of land fax parka, open space and resource prsservnGpn. In <br />Mny, 2000, the Board (along with the Chapel Hill Town COnnCIl, Cnrrboro <br />Board n[ Aldevmen and Hillsborough Boned of Oommissionera) appointed an <br />InverCovernmental Parka (IP) Woxk ('xxoup to foster coordination. And in <br />February of this year, the Board agreed to consider the potential for v parks <br />cad open space bondtbr November 2001. <br />In the spring of thin year, the Towns oP Chnpcl ]]ill, Cnrrboro and <br />Hillsborough naked that a umber of Town Parks end open space pmjcrLa <br />(totaling 518.9 million) be funded by the County ae parp o4 a plamad <br />November 2001 bond referendum. <br />The following policy statement is offered to clarify and reiterate the pmrese <br />and the wntext for County finvnrwl nvrtivipatinn in joint pazke projects with <br />the Towne, mmaismnt with the adopted Derember i 99Y Joint Parks Criteria, <br />the Om~ober 00, 2000 dolor Capitol Funding Gm Perks report, and [be <br />wncepte ofjoiat planning. <br />