Orange County NC Website
6tatemeut of Imeuv pnu:ess dasm~ibed in objective #3 above shall be <br />pursued to extent possible. <br />5. The Joint Statement of Intent may include n provision for consulfntian as <br />procured by the County to oversee any and all elements of the park design <br />and conatructiou proorss, for all joint facilities in which Oounty funds are <br />used. <br />G As per the Ocmbar 30, 2A00 meeting diacuaien, which noted the County's <br />potential role ae the provider of capitol funding for ]Dint parks projuets, <br />the Towne will be ezpected to take the lend in pxovidiag for opcrntipn and <br />aintenance o£joint parks facilities, whenever that is appropriate. The <br />Jninv 6vatemenv oY Inteut wi0 codirm this areangemen[, gffix Lo <br />construction. <br />7. The Joint Yorks and Open Space Statement of Intent will also include <br />provieians that guareatee: <br />a) That the project facility will be oven to use by all County reaideuts iu <br />coedance with the Open facilities Policy adapted by all junsdietions <br />in 2000; and <br />L) That the County reeervee the right of approval for the leasing out of <br />the facility' o any part thereof for exclusive operation by any <br />orgawzatione; and <br />c) That echeduliag will not permit the use of the prepontlarancc of the <br />facility to be m napohzed by private groups ar essaciatians, without <br />the Oounty's appxovaL <br />WiEh this podicy s[atamenE, eha Board of Commission rea(jirma ifs in[emst <br />and rommiamen[ ro working collaboratively wif/a fhe 'POwnd of Carrbma, <br />Chaped Hill, Hillsborough and Mebane an parks and open space projects, as <br />dam naarated by she seeps takan in eha lust nun yevrs to snnbte aaaperaLLoe <br />parks and open space Dentures. <br />Howeoeq in inking an the signifiunnt firwardul ree~pmuibtldtSee~ regursted by <br />the Towns (orparks and oven space projects, t1u Boats hoe reaponaibzit6ee Eo <br />re that the best interests of tilt County citizens are mat en the evpereditare <br />of funda~ for such projects, and nmat therefam be mrnprehensioeiy inuaDOed en <br />theprojects whloh it funda~. <br />