Orange County NC Website
Proposed Policy Objectives <br />1. If a jurisdiction wishes to introduce a candidate project Far potential <br />County Ponding, she proposal should Yollow the following procees: <br />• A written request should be submitted [o the Board o£ Commissioners; <br />• The request, along with staff comments, shall be pv~esented aL a Hoard <br />of Commissioners meeting as a report; <br />• The request will be referred W the InterGovenuvehtal Parks (8) Work <br />Group for a recommendation. The IP Work Group will be used as the <br />unding board" Far potential joint park= projects, especially those <br />pmpoaed Foe County fmmClnl participatiom <br />• L° [he proposed project would be ro-located with a sohool, a <br />mendation from the Schools and Land Use Council shall also be <br />sphcited; <br />• The Hoard of Commisaianece will khan review vhe rewmmead¢Elon(s) <br />and make a derision on "wnditioml approval" oS the joint project <br />(using adopted criteria sod this policy statement); <br />2. Any proposed project £ar County funding must be coaisteaL with the <br />Hoaz~d's adapted criteria .and guidelines of December Z, iB99(amended <br />May 3. 2000), w}dch epecifiee eligibility of projects, looetlo~l criteeis and <br />matcliln6 iLnd expectations. (The adapted criteria ere provided as <br />Attachiuent 1). <br />3. H a project receives conditional approval from the Beard of Commiasimere <br />(see item 1 above), a Joint Parka Statement of Intent wN be signed by the <br />County and the juisdiction in 9ueeGon. The Joint Statement of Intent <br />eriRvs the jurisdictien'e agreement to comprehensively involve the <br />County is the park planning and wnstruction process. Disbursement of <br />funds will not occur until the appropriate steps in the Joint Stvtemevt of <br />intent have been met. The Hoard of Commissioners will be <br />mmprehensively involved in approval of the pork project, as follows: <br />• Joint approval of Concept Plen Committee ayppintments; <br />• Joivt approval oP the himing of consultants; <br />• Jointapproval of the concept plvn (imluding park pass); <br />Joint approval oI the timetable £or projec[ activities end mastructien <br />• (nr en- like step); <br />• .Joint approval of the pmjecL Bite pleas end conatrvction phasing <br />(please see objective 5 below); <br />h. fox purposes oP the November 2001 band, projects that are included for <br />1Lndmg is the 20111 bond will ba wnsidered to have received "conditional <br />approval' ae described above. If the bond is successful, flee Joint Parks <br />