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2 <br /> 1 members in order to have an authentic analysis of what is going on and what will best help the <br /> 2 community. <br /> 3 Commissioner Greene asked if this delay would affect schedule with the tax office. <br /> 4 Bonnie Hammersley said it would only affect the timeline by 5 days. She said if staff is <br /> 5 able to bring a comprehensive presentation, from which the Board can make a decision, the <br /> 6 program can start being advertised and put into place on October 6. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 A motion was made by Commissioner Bedford, seconded by Commissioner Fowler, to <br /> 9 postpone Item 6-a until the October 5, 2021 Business Meeting. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Roll call ensued <br /> 12 <br /> 13 VOTE: Unanimous <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Chair Price invited the County Manager to introduce a new department director. <br /> 16 Bonnie Hammersley introduced Dr. Sandra Strong, the new Animal Services Director. <br /> 17 She said she is a certified animal welfare scientist and veterinarian, and is well-qualified for the <br /> 18 position. She said Dr. Strong came on board on June 21, and has already been working for <br /> 19 quite some time and things are going well. She invited Dr. Strong to speak to the Board. <br /> 20 Dr. Sandra Strong, Animal Services Director, said she is a North Carolina native and <br /> 21 went to veterinary school at NC State, but did a public health certificate in leadership at UNC, <br /> 22 and so appreciates the Orange County community. She said she has done a lot of clinical <br /> 23 veterinary work for many years, but started working with animal services with the city of San <br /> 24 Antonio. She said she did contract consulting work looking at shelter operations at UC Davis. <br /> 25 She said she served as chief veterinarian in Wake County for 8 years, and worked with Bob <br /> 26 Morotto, the previous Orange County Animal Services Director. She said she is excited and <br /> 27 grateful for the opportunity to work for Orange County and serve the citizens. She said her <br /> 28 philosophy is if we can support people, both employees and the community, then the animals <br /> 29 will have good welfare because humans and animals are closely tied, and have been for <br /> 30 thousands of years. She said she is excited about science coming out about the human-animal <br /> 31 bond, noting that oxytocin is released in humans when animals are around and health is <br /> 32 improved by these interactions. She said more science is showing that pets can combat <br /> 33 depression and loneliness. She said animal services has an opportunity to lead with some of <br /> 34 that knowledge. She said there are also some challenges due to local ordinances, and there is <br /> 35 always controversy. She said her job is to continue on right path, continue to be innovative and <br /> 36 determine how to support people and animals. She said she is willing to meet with all, and <br /> 37 welcomed the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) to visit the shelter any time. <br /> 38 Chair Price welcomed Dr. Strong and welcomed comments from Commissioners. <br /> 39 Commissioner Bedford welcomed Dr. Strong and said she especially enjoys the <br /> 40 Facebook posts that the Animal Services Department does. She noted for the public that there <br /> 41 are no adoption fees right now. <br /> 42 Commissioner Fowler welcomed Dr. Strong and said she looks forward to working with <br /> 43 her. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Chair Price dispensed with reading the public charge. <br /> 46 <br /> 47 Public Charge: <br /> 48 The Board of Commissioners pledges its respect to all present. The Board asks those attending <br /> 49 this meeting to conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous manner toward each other, county <br /> 50 staff and the commissioners. At any time should a member of the Board or the public fail to <br /> 51 observe this charge, the Chair will take steps to restore order and decorum. Should it become <br />