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21 <br /> 1 Commissioner Hamilton referred to the 200 acres that are viable for public sewer, and <br /> 2 asked if their specific location could be identified. She asked if EDE 1 or EDE 2 are contained <br /> 3 within those 200 acres. <br /> 4 Craig Benedict said yes. He said these areas have the designation for economic <br /> 5 development and public sewer. He said the hope is to bring sewer in closer proximity to a <br /> 6 particular mobile home park that is currently pumping their sewage into Durham. <br /> 7 Commissioner Hamilton clarified details about the map. <br /> 8 Craig Benedict said there is a zoning proposal to reduce certain areas. He said there <br /> 9 are some existing commercial uses in the area, and it would be difficult to rezone one's land <br /> 10 that already has industrial use and change it back to residential. He said staff can provide a <br /> 11 map with the existing land uses. He said areas 1 and 2 would change, which would not create <br /> 12 any nonconforming uses. <br /> 13 Commissioner Hamilton asked if there is a process for determining the viability of public <br /> 14 sewer and water to the area. She asked if there is a cost benefit analysis to weigh sales and <br /> 15 property taxes, etc. <br /> 16 Craig Benedict said yes, analyses have been done for light industrial construction in this <br /> 17 area. He said that information was provided about year ago, when there was discussion on the <br /> 18 viability of the entire economic development zone. He said staff can re-provide that information <br /> 19 to the Board. He staff has proceeded with 70% design in this area, but it has been on hold for a <br /> 20 few years. <br /> 21 Commissioner McKee asked Craig Benedict to move his cursor over the area where <br /> 22 Gorilla Materials is located (purple area). He reviewed various businesses in the area, and <br /> 23 cautioned the Board about changing the zoning in this area as it would disrupt existing <br /> 24 businesses. <br /> 25 Chair Price asked if the area to the east of Whispering Pines could be identified. <br /> 26 Craig Benedict said everything in purple and lavender was put on the map in 1994. He <br /> 27 said the county was going to talk to the property owner to see if the lower-intensity economic <br /> 28 development zoning would make sense for this owner. <br /> 29 Chair Price said the BOCC down zoned some of this area several years ago. She asked <br /> 30 if areas 1 and 2 would be rezoned to residential if staff's proposal goes forward. <br /> 31 Craig Benedict said it would go from economic development to 10-year transition, which <br /> 32 is a residential land use. He said it would be a companion zoning change from EDD-1 to R1, <br /> 33 which is low density. <br /> 34 Chair Price said she lives in a 10-year transition area that has been that way for 30 <br /> 35 years. She challenged the staff to come up with different terminology. <br /> 36 Craig Benedict said the idea is that the focus should be on the ten years first, rather than <br /> 37 sprawling into the 20 years. He said lack of water and sewer has been a stumbling block. He <br /> 38 said it took 3 utility services agreements with Hillsborough, Durham, and Mebane to be able to <br /> 39 expand in areas that are appropriate. He said when economic development monies became <br /> 40 available, there was a certain amount in the Eno, Efland, Mebane areas, etc. <br /> 41 Commissioner Hamilton asked if staff could provide examples of high and low intensity. <br /> 42 Craig Benedict said higher intensity might allow for onsite storage, while lower intensity <br /> 43 keeps all activity within the building, such as offices. He said higher intensity could have more <br /> 44 external impacts because some activity would be occurring outside of the building. He said staff <br /> 45 can provide a list of the activities expected with both. <br /> 46 Commissioner Hamilton asked if the sections of the Comprehensive plan that would be <br /> 47 affected if these changes are made could be identified. <br /> 48 Craig Benedict said a land use map is part of the land use element to the <br /> 49 comprehensive plan. He said staff would change the land use map, which is an addendum to <br /> 50 the Comprehensive Plan, from economic development to transition. He said at some point it <br /> 51 would be wise to get rid of 10 and 20 year and make it all transition. <br />