Agenda 10-19-2021; 6-a - Community Climate Action Grant (CCAG) – FY 2021-22 Project Selection for General Applicants
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-19-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda 10-19-2021; 6-a - Community Climate Action Grant (CCAG) – FY 2021-22 Project Selection for General Applicants
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10/14/2021 12:50:24 PM
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10/14/2021 12:53:36 PM
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Agenda for October 19, 2021 Board Meeting
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9 <br /> also be a retrofit Shadowing Day where residents can watch the contractors assess one of the homes and learn <br /> how to increase the efficiency of their homes In addition, several educational materials will be created that will <br /> be available to share with all Carrboro citizens." <br /> "Nearly half of the funds ($62K) will go towards the retrofit equipment for the neighborhood residents and the <br /> labor necessary to install the equipment. Remaining funds will go towards the administrative effort and <br /> materials needed to manage the project, include a community organizer, implement an education campaign and <br /> carry out analysis of energy use to measure impacts. NCSEA,through support from Coastal Credit Union,will be <br /> providing$10K towards the project to support the creation of educational materials." <br /> Project Benefits: "The direct beneficiaries of the project will be the residents in the neighborhood of focus for <br /> this project.These are the homes that will be considered for energy retrofits that will result in lower energy bills, <br /> healthier homes, and more stabilized communities.The residents who do not receive retrofits will still benefit <br /> from receiving energy conservation education through the project's community workshop, Shadowing Day, and <br /> promotion of energy efficiency resources. Educating residents on energy conservation may also result in lower <br /> bills and healthier homes, albeit likely on a smaller scale compared to the retrofits." <br /> Grant Dollars Requested Per Metric Ton of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduced During Project Lifetime: <br /> $816.99 <br /> HRC Comments:The HRC had high praise for this application, and encouraged the use of this proposed project <br /> as a model for others.They appreciated that a local community activist put together the project idea and then <br /> reached out to NCSEA to help organize the grant application and administer the project.They also pointed out <br /> that this community activist has an education plan in mind and would help to connect all collaborators to the <br /> community as she lives in the community. Impacts of the project would be expanded as the proposal includes a <br /> plan for interested community members to shadow the contractors as they do the work to learn more and be <br /> able to conduct their own energy efficiency work in the future. <br /> CFE Comments:The CFE felt that this project was very much in line with the goals of the grant program as it <br /> directly reduces energy use and bills and improves quality of life for households in a marginalized community. <br /> Relatively few residents will receive support, but the project will create significant benefits for those who do, <br /> and other County residents will receive information about the improvements and ways of saving energy. <br /> Wherever possible,the project will purchase from Orange County vendors, although collaboration with partners <br /> outside of Orange County likely reduces the amount of funding that will be spent in Orange County. NCSEA, <br /> through support from Coastal Credit Union,will also be providing$10K towards the project to support the <br /> creation of educational materials. The applicant has the capacity to complete the project. <br /> If insufficient funds remain to fully fund this project, based on its rank the CFE would recommend partial funding <br /> of up to $90K.The CFE points out that the budget line items for data analysis and/or educational materials might <br /> be reduced in favor of more direct energy efficiency materials and labor for more homes. Once the impacts of <br /> this pilot program are clearer, a larger focus on outreach might be better justified to spread the model. The CFE <br /> acknowledges that education is important to encourage participation, but would recommend a focus on more <br /> direct impact in this initial phase. Data analysis might be done directly by NCSEA in order to redirect funding <br /> towards energy efficiency work or reduce overall project costs. <br />
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