Agenda 10-19-2021; 6-a - Community Climate Action Grant (CCAG) – FY 2021-22 Project Selection for General Applicants
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-19-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda 10-19-2021; 6-a - Community Climate Action Grant (CCAG) – FY 2021-22 Project Selection for General Applicants
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10/14/2021 12:50:24 PM
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10/14/2021 12:53:36 PM
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Agenda for October 19, 2021 Board Meeting
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12 <br /> The Hillsborough Farmers' Market draws primarily from northern Orange County, which is an area that is often <br /> left out of climate initiatives. Many community members have expressed appreciation for the Compost <br /> Collection at the Farmers' Market: they are no longer having to make the longer car trip to the Walnut <br /> Grove Waste and Recycling Center; others who never composted before are starting to do so and have <br /> significantly decreased the amount of food waste they throw out as a result; others who were already <br /> composting at home are appreciative of the fact that they can bring items to the ERFM Community Compost <br /> Collection site that they cannot compost in their back yard, since the compostables are picked up by Brooks <br /> Contractors, an industrial composter with the ability to accept a broader range of compostables. <br /> This project will contribute to carbon reduction in several ways: by reducing methane levels at the landfill; by <br /> helping our soil to sequester more carbon and by reducing the carbon emissions from cars by providing a closer <br /> food waste drop off for residents of Northern Orange County. Based on current use numbers, we estimate that <br /> 400 community members per month will utilize this collection site. In addition, most of Orange County waste is <br /> sent to a landfill in Sampson County,where a poor minority community has had to deal with the smell and <br /> pollution of the mega landfill in their backyard. Reducing the waste that ends up in the landfill will have a <br /> positive impact on this community." <br /> Grant Dollars Requested Per Metric Ton of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduced During Project Lifetime: <br /> $106.27 <br /> HRC Comments: Overall the HRC felt that this project was inexpensive and worth funding. Reducing waste and <br /> ensuring waste is composted serves everyone.The environmental benefits of this project also align with social <br /> justice benefits as less waste would be going to landfills in more vulnerable communities. <br /> HRC reviewers would have liked to see a breakdown by race and income of who goes to the farmers market, in <br /> order to make a more informed determination of how direct the social Justice and racial equity benefits might <br /> be. <br /> In the end, given that Orange County Solid Waste has already put money into making this compost drop-off <br /> program work, and given the good cost to benefit ratio,the HRC felt that this project was beneficial. <br /> CFE Comments: CFE reviewers felt that this was a cost-effective and highly visible project that would increase <br /> access to the County's composting services. Keeping food waste out of the municipal waste stream avoid a good <br /> amount of greenhouse gas emissions as it reduces the tonnage of waste transported by heavy trucks out of the <br /> County.The applicants' proposal outlines a project that appears clear and obtainable. <br /> Not all CFE reviewers were convinced with the applicants' claim that that the presence of a compost collection <br /> sire at the market increases the number of weekly visitors to the market,thus increasing the market's economic <br /> success.Also,the CFE was concerned there was no longer-term plan for funding the compost monitors after the <br /> grant period is over. <br /> In the end,the relatively low cost and potential for diesel emissions reduction, coupled with the applicant's <br /> commitment to use media to engage with the community to encourage composting, were all factors that led to <br /> a higher rank. <br />
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