Agenda 10-19-2021; 6-a - Community Climate Action Grant (CCAG) – FY 2021-22 Project Selection for General Applicants
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-19-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda 10-19-2021; 6-a - Community Climate Action Grant (CCAG) – FY 2021-22 Project Selection for General Applicants
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10/14/2021 12:53:36 PM
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Agenda for October 19, 2021 Board Meeting
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11 <br /> HRC reviewers would have liked to see a breakdown by race and income of who goes to the farmers market, in <br /> order to make a more informed determination of how direct the social Justice and racial equity benefits might <br /> be. <br /> In the end, given that Orange County Solid Waste has already put money into making this compost drop-off <br /> program work, and given the good cost to benefit ratio,the HRC felt that this project was beneficial. <br /> CFE Comments: By assisting with diverting food waste from the landfill waste stream,this composting project <br /> reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Compost monitors increase the use of the compost drop off location and <br /> also help reduce the amount of non-compostable waste that enters the compost stream. This quality control <br /> helps keep the composting process profitable.The grant funding will help ensure that an established program <br /> with positive impacts can continue, and the applicant has sufficient capacity to successfully complete the <br /> project. <br /> It was not clear to the CFE that the existence of compost monitors would increase use of the farmer's market <br /> overall as the applicant stated, but the presence of compost monitors would very likely be good for waste <br /> reduction education and the promotion of composting. There was also some concern about this program <br /> becoming dependent on continued grant funds in the future. <br /> In the end, because the cost request was small and the impacts immediate, there was consensus among CFE <br /> reviewers to recommend funding this project. <br /> #4 Ranked Project— Food Waste Monitor <br /> Applicant(Collaborators): Eno River Farmer's Market (Orange County Solid Waste) <br /> Funding Requested: $3,765 <br /> Recommended Funding Level: $3,765 <br /> Total Score(Out of 25 pts): 19.6 <br /> Project Description: "We are requesting funds to pay for 2 compost monitors for the Eno River Farmers' Market <br /> (ERFM) Community Compost Collection site. Monitors will work during market hours throughout the year to <br /> assure that only compostable items are collected and will provide education to ERFM customers and vendors <br /> about composting.They will also assist the ERFM Manager with community outreach in Northern Orange <br /> County to build awareness of the ERFM Community Compost Collection Site beyond the Market. Monitors will <br /> also be responsible for record keeping and setting up the compost collection table and bins and breaking it <br /> down at the end of the Market each Saturday." <br /> Project Benefits: "This project will provide funding for compost monitors at the Eno River Farmers' Market <br /> Community Compost Collection site.This will provide the oversight we need to ensure that only compostable <br /> items are collected.The monitors will also provide education to community members about composting and <br /> encourage household compost collection. This will help Orange County to decrease the amount of waste going <br /> to landfills, reduce methane emissions at the landfill, reduce transportation to a Waste and Recycling Center to <br /> drop off food waste, and will lead to the creation of rich compost that will increase the carbon capture of the <br /> soil in Orange County and the surrounding area. <br />
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