Orange County NC Website
E S <br />roro~= - _ 4 <br />Y° North CaroWaAeeocutlov North CamDVa League of. <br />wF of County Commiaeiovem A4mldpalities <br />6 <br />To: Cmvty Meoagem <br />Rty BPmagess:Gerke <br />Frain: GRopdd Aycock,NCACC Raemtive Oirermr <br />' S. PDk Amkim, NCLM Ikemtlve Director <br />Dak: November 9, 2001 <br />Sabjal: NC Iursl Governmm[ Debt 6emtt Cleaemghmm m Tma61e Comdee and Cities to <br />PazYOpa@iv Sln[e Taz Retmdlhbt Semtt Progrmn <br />Tmiaivg N be held November 2], City ofHfekory CoanrS Charobete (]0 N. Cenkr <br />Street), & November 29, City of Wilmn CovmR L%ambere (112 N. Goldaboao Slreetl. <br />both aauom from 1:00Pm.-O:aO pm. <br />SmselawrapufraePriarilier Ofsebffbe erfvb4xhed based on dmeofdefinguem debt <br />aWm4akn--eg. 9mt lr5jLNPNd <br />Dmiug Ne 199) Gevmal Aaeembly 6eaeim, sbe NmW Cazolioe Aaociadov of Camty Commis6imrre and the <br />NoM Carolina lzaga ofMmiripalidea was aucceaeEil iv having mattedalegitladve HVal e:mbtivg cmmdes <br />.na rives m parcmlpate mine 6tak~6 incove m, aem mtoff progam. The program pemik nomtim am ~vaa <br />m subWt mY mhsaotlk8 depvqums debt ($50 a rose) shrough a local Bovetvmevt cleasivghouve m Ne NC <br />Depamxn[ of Revnue, m attempt m makh dwse dtlNa agw6t IMtvkvel iucoVae tax m[uke. The local <br />govemmeot cleaziv8houae u alwchazged with debasing ofisG funtla bazkm the mcuving county md/m rity. <br />NGACC and NCLbI have wgaointl a joim NC I.ocil Imvavmeut Debt Setoff geeringhome m make dds <br />pmgrms avaJabla m all NaN CmoOVa rmmdes and cities NCGS lOSA evam;:a6 covnry sad city <br />psaticipadoa w the debt eemffpmgmm dmugha ckarin8houw (uvcdm ®dlimits cleainghmae pardcipatim <br />m Wly Camde6aM cNe6. <br />Delioquwt dobt u e amvsbes ie e:leeas $$0 awed ma cvmry m city (claimam agevcy) that Me amued thwugk <br />vac4 nubroBadm. tint, opaadm of law, m any odes kgal theory regaNlesa of whetba Nero is an <br />mntmdivg judgment fm:he sum Furthesmme, we ase requiring that a fW16D days nm[ lapse atv3 a local <br />gavusmam labels Ne tlebt sa delivrymtbefine We debt cm he sabmitpA m the clearinghouse The rnmry m <br />city venal fuswah dse Poll name and social mcmiry vumber of cacti debm. <br />Thu pmgnm will havdk to refmde begwwvg with the 2001 to yea, e~ addidmal wfmmstivn will be <br />providedmdceveer NSmomepablist Om uai:ial dace fm aubmuaim. Duero priority hevdling of debk, we <br />rerommevd that PartidPativg umfe begiv aasemhGVy debt wlmme[im immdivtety evd ivisia[e the <br />segnired mD0®dov avd appmle procmeu <br />Gat of pazticipatim wilt be 515 far each sureassNl meich of debt agairat sV indiaMnal tleMOi a sax refund. <br />No Gasgea wiP came Vuless a rvcceufvl lax sefimd aemff k made. The $IS ^°""a be rbesged m the tlebsar <br />but m6t be Paid by Ne Pasdci W dug <omry m airy.. <br />NCACC avtl NC[M here contmnW wiN Five Sea Gmpudvg, Na., Columbia, SC Iv adnovi6ler the prvgam <br />Fve Sta CampVtivg mill receive, pmceea mtl mbmi[ We cmaopdaced tleb[s t0 [M North Carolina Deparuvetu <br />of Revenue, aW has established a snit crn[tt ro 1mrdle telephone rNls from mpayers who have kad Ncv <br />refvvda wiW:cld Nwhole ormpan.Five Star wW also be eubmiNn6 eveceaefW me[chiVfwmedon backmdce <br />