Orange County NC Website
%. MISCELLANEOUS F1 S's P^"5 <br />w. This Agreement represents Ne full antl final untlasmvdivg of Use patties wiN respect <br />[o the subject matter dewribed herein and aupersedca any and all prior agreemenu or <br />undersundings, written nr W, cxpmss m implied. This Agreement may be vwdiLed <br />or amended Doty by a written statement eignedby boN Pardee. <br />B. The laws of the Sta¢ of North Carolina shall govern the [wms and aovditions of W e <br />Agmement. Should any dispute arise between Ne ponies concerning any matter <br />under Nis Agreemrn4 such Nsputes shall be submitted to binding azbitradov before <br />the American Arbittatlov Association, iv accortlavice wiN applicable rules. <br />C. CLAIMANT AGENCY shall rntuin[o vo oMer convect fov similar eervicae wlN any <br />o[M1er endty so long as Nia Agreementremaivs in efr«t <br />IN WITNESS WHEReOA, Ne paNes hc¢to have caused this Agreement to be ezewad on Ne <br />day and date first above written, all by auNOrity of Nev respective govaming boNes. <br />NORTH CAROLINA LOCAL GOVERNMEbT <br />DEBT <br />(City/CowNCovvty) SETOFF CLEARINGHOUSE <br />By By: <br />(AUtM1Orized Official) S. E1Rs Hare, Executive Dirxtor <br />NC Leagneaf MimicipeliBa <br />ATTEST: <br />(Clash) By: <br />C. Ronald Aycock, Executive Daector <br />(SEAL) NC Aasociation of County Commissioners <br />AEdmAnm A ~ "I <br />