Orange County NC Website
~~~~T - <br />VD. NOTICE <br />Any notice tegwad m be ®ven wrier this Agreement shall be sevt by certified or <br />mgist¢cd mail portage prepaid to: (auNorized vtfiuaD <br />(enwtymiry) (eameaa); wa <br />m: NCIM, P. O. Box 3069, Raleigh, NC DfiP2-3069 wd NCA(x, P. O. Box 1488, <br />Raleigh, NC 29602-148%, in the case of CLEARE9GHOSISE. <br />VID. ASSIGNMENT <br />TTis Agreement is vot assignable by citb¢party. <br />IK CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION <br />U the comae of performance of this Ap«mmt, the panes may fnd it necessary to <br />disclose to the other Party certain confidwSN ivf¢mafiov ("Confidential Information"). <br />Confldenti al In tom1811on includE9, lmt 18 vOt IItNNd t0, InfOlnlatiw rBladng t0 d1E <br />pmfies' employees, trade secrets, wstomem, vendors, fnmcea, op¢ations, products, antl <br />olha business ivfomiatlon. The followlvg tcvm apply to CovSdrntiel information p) <br />the vov-NUlosing petty shNl neat as cmifitlential wd use the acme degree of care es it <br />employs in the pmtcotlov of fte own slmlla coNidevllN Ivfmmafiw, but fn no evrnt lase <br />tlum a reeswabla degas vP care; and (il) Na non-0Isclosing party wlll only use Ne <br />iNVrmatiwin conrieetiov with its business deatin8s with Ne disclosing patty. and shall <br />diulose Information vNy m employees o[ contactors he5ng u metl to know and who <br />agree m be bound by the terms of Oda Ssfiw, uNess otherwise authorized in writing by <br />the diuloaing parry. infovvadov shall not be subject to these lama iP. (I) it is in the <br />pubGC domain et [he time of tliulosvre, ar enters [he public domain without breach of <br />tNa Agmemevq (lU i[ is (mown [o the nw-disclosivg ParIY Pri¢ tv Ihedisclasure, or I[ 1s <br />independently developed by fie nondisclosing pant: (iii) it is obmined by no - <br />ttiecloeivg pvty in good fNfh from s [Itird party not wda obligation of secrecy to the <br />diacloein8 Party; on (iv) it ie the sublat of a mart or govammrno agency ostler m <br />diulose, provided the nw-disclosing party gives prompt notlm m [he diuloaing vamY m <br />allow [he diselosing parry to mnreat such ostler The obligatiana set fovN in [his 9ecvon <br />surnve [erminatiov, rescission, vov-rerowal or expiration of [h:a Agreemrnt. <br />All ivfocmaziw, inclaNVg but wt Ilmimd to Ptlnmd, wdaen, oral m wmPUta-formatted <br />irSarmation, which CLEARINGHOUSE may gain access to during Me wane of the <br />performance of this Agrcemrnt shall be the pmpeM1y of CLAIMANT AGENCY, shall be <br />held in Ne s¢iaest conftlenw, and shall be used solely far Ne business purposes that are <br />the subject of Ws Agreement CLEARWGHOUSE shall mainmiv confitlendaliry of <br />such infovvation not only during the course of the performwu of Nis Agreement, bat <br />fallowing its temdnatlvn. <br />AAArMnm A- fi <br />