Orange County NC Website
V. CONIl'ENSATION ~5'®¢}~p. <br />A_ CLAIMANT AGENCY xhall make payment ro CIFMINGHOUSE of $IS dollars <br />for evch refund Net is successfully intemeptetl. "SUCCESSFIJl ETTHRCERTfON' <br />is defined [o mean Ne DEPARTMENT marched all m a pardon of a dab[ submitted <br />by CLEARINGHOUSE against a $mre mx reund for interception and payment <br />towuda a delingoen[ deb[ owed m CLAMANT AOINCY. <br />B. CLAMANT AGENCY, by Ne execution of We agreement, euNo^rP <br />GLEARLYGHDD$E m retain $15 dollar far euh successful inmmeplion from any <br />soma due CLAMMNT AGENCY and m reduce the amoum of a delinquent debt paid <br />m CLAIMANT AOHNCY accordivglY. If CLANdANT AGENCY snbmitmd <br />multlple debts undo Ne some delinquent tlebtor Home and social security number on <br />Ne xame date Ne endry will only he charged one $l5 fee for Nat svccessfW <br />inanceptlov. <br />C. CIAMAN'f AGENCY may combine individual debts of at least $50 eacb by <br />delNgnw[ debar v ®d socal security number fm snbmlaalon m <br />CLEARINGHOUSE, Debts less than $50 carrot be combinW to meet Ne $50 <br />dsreshold <br />D. Edefi~ submitted delinquent debm may be adjusted upwards for interest, fees etc., <br />and will retain Neir anginal pricdty mdm, but not a larernew delinquent debt, even R <br />from Ne same debtor. New debts will be date ehmpetl by CLEARINGHOUSE with <br />the la[er submissien date and be subjx[ to an atltlidonal $li fee for a successful <br />interception. <br />E. Iv Ne event of paniel payment of a delinquent deb[, Ne CLAMeW'I AGENCY may <br />condone m snbnd[ [he balanm of Ne deb[, if $50 m mme, u a pan of snbscquevt <br />data files. $l5 sball be due CLEARINGHOUSE for a successful intereepdon of a c <br />refund Na_svbsegvcnt year. <br />P. PURSUANT TO THH ACT, CLAMANT AGENCY CANNOT CHARGE THE <br />DAETOR FOR THE $IS MATCH FEE AND IS RFQUIRBD TO REDDCB THE <br />DEBT HY THEENTIl2E AMOUNT R~t'tTHINf.D. <br />VI. <br />CLAIMANT AGENCY fully endersmnds mid wmmn6 m CLEARINGHOUSE Nat by <br />submission of uv delinquent debt submitted m CLEARINGHOUSE fa sttoff <br />CIAMANT AGINCY hu complied with all of Ne provisions of Ne ACT and Nis <br />agreemem. The CLAIMANT AGENCY shell Iwld CLEARINGHOUSE hu and <br />harmless atW shall indemrdfy CLEARINGHOUSH against any and all damages, claims. <br />of acdon, injuries, acdons, liability, m proceedings ansing (mm Ne failure of <br />CLAIMANT AGENCY to eo pwiorm. CIAIMANT AGENCY shall be responsible (or <br />the repayment of any sums received by i4 inclutling in2resq penalfies antl court corm, to <br />a debtor in Ne event a court of competentjmiadicdon mlea Naz said repayment is due to <br />adebmrm debmm. <br />AtlOCMwr,A- 5 <br />