Agenda 10-19-2021; 6-a - Community Climate Action Grant (CCAG) – FY 2021-22 Project Selection for General Applicants
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Agenda - 10-19-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda 10-19-2021; 6-a - Community Climate Action Grant (CCAG) – FY 2021-22 Project Selection for General Applicants
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10/14/2021 12:50:24 PM
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10/14/2021 12:35:29 PM
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Agenda for October 19, 2021 Board Meeting
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8 <br /> HRC Comments:The HRC felt this proposed project had a strong social justice focus and they appreciated the <br /> detailed breakdown of who would benefit. <br /> While this project seemed expensive to some reviewers given the limited number of houses who will benefit, <br /> others pointed out that this was the state of the market for HVAC systems today.There was agreement that this <br /> was a needed service in the community. <br /> CFE Comments:The CFE felt that this project was well-conceived and the application was well done. <br /> The proposed project uses money efficiently, leveraging funds from private donors as well as rebates from Duke <br /> Energy. The project also focuses on the most impactful energy-saving upgrades and will have a long-lasting <br /> benefit for 40 individual households. CFE reviewers pointed out that this project will benefit a relatively small <br /> number of County residents, but that the benefits could be significant in cost savings and quality of life <br /> improvements.The project will employ local Orange County residents and prioritizes using local sources for <br /> goods and services.The project plans include community outreach to explain and support the goals of the <br /> project.The agency has a good reputation in the area and existing relationships with the low-income households <br /> to be served. <br /> #2 Ranked Project— Neighborhood Energy Resiliency Project (NERP) <br /> Applicant (Collaborators): NC Sustainable Energy Association (Neighborhood resident and advocate Tamara <br /> Sanders, Energy Reduction Specialists of NC, Enpira Inc., Central Piedmont Community Action (CPCA), and <br /> Marian Cheek Jackson Center) <br /> Funding Requested: $115,000 <br /> Recommended Funding Level: $90,000 <br /> Total Score(Out of 25 pts): 21.2 <br /> Project Description: "NERP focuses on a historically-Black and -disadvantaged community in Carrboro to <br /> improve standards of living and reduce emissions by installing energy efficiency upgrades, implementing an <br /> education campaign and measuring project impacts.The project will install retrofits for at least 15 homes, <br /> provide energy conservation educational materials that can be shared with all Carrboro residents electronically, <br /> provide print materials to be shared by local partners, and develop a model that can be replicated throughout <br /> Orange County. <br /> The project team will target a neighborhood of—40 homes in the Ala bama/Davie/Glosson Circle neighborhood... <br /> These homes will be allowed to apply for services, and the team will select best-fit homes that will generate the <br /> highest emissions reductions and alleviate energy burden. Retrofit materials will be purchased from local <br /> businesses in Orange County and the contractor will provide energy conservation education during installations. <br /> The team will carry out an energy analysis on 1 year of pre-retrofit usage and 1 year of post-retrofit usage. For <br /> those homes not selected but in need of assistance,the team will help the residents explore other potential <br /> options available to them including services from the N.C. Weatherization Assistance Program (NCWAP) and <br /> utility-offered services. <br /> The team will also implement an education campaign to extend impact beyond residents receiving retrofits. A <br /> community organizer who resides in the neighborhood will promote the program to residents and collaborate <br /> with community groups to organize an energy conservation workshop for Orange County residents.There will <br />
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