Agenda 10-19-2021; 6-a - Community Climate Action Grant (CCAG) – FY 2021-22 Project Selection for General Applicants
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Agenda - 10-19-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda 10-19-2021; 6-a - Community Climate Action Grant (CCAG) – FY 2021-22 Project Selection for General Applicants
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10/14/2021 12:50:24 PM
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10/14/2021 12:35:29 PM
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Agenda for October 19, 2021 Board Meeting
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15 <br /> felt that it is good to have a visible commitment to the environment such as rooftop solar and a green roof on a <br /> new public building. Some CFE members felt that new public buildings like these should have these sustainability <br /> features as standard elements and not grant-funded additions. <br /> If insufficient funds remain to fully fund this project based on its rank,the CFE would recommend partial funding <br /> with the remainder of the funds available ($57,567.50 as calculated by the CFE as they did not recommend any <br /> funding for the Carrboro Arts Center Bike Rack and Charging Station element). <br /> Based on the stated timeline that the project is not going to break ground until 2022,the CFE encourages the <br /> applicant to apply for the rest of the funding in the next round of grants. <br /> #7 Ranked Project—Wayfinding Implementation <br /> Applicant(Collaborators):Town of Chapel Hill <br /> Funding Requested: $100,000 <br /> Recommended Funding Level: $0 <br /> Total Score(Out of 25 pts): 14.9 <br /> Project Description: "These funds would be used to implement a Town-wide wayfinding signage program for <br /> those walking, rolling and biking around Town.The wayfinding signage would be used to highlight locations <br /> important to the community like parks, schools, and key shopping destinations and assist people in getting there <br /> without a car. Emphasis would be placed on providing wayfinding in low-income and historically Black <br /> communities around town." <br /> "The Town is currently requesting proposals to create a Town-wide wayfinding strategy and this funding would <br /> enable implementation while being a platform to ensure that the wayfinding strategies are effective.The grant <br /> would fund signage for the near and mid-term phases of the wayfinding strategy." <br /> "The project would also fund a redesign of the Chapel Hill Bicycle and Greenways Map, which covers the entirety <br /> of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Staff estimates a potential audience of 29,000, based on community survey results." <br /> Project Benefits: "The proposed project will provide wayfinding signage and maps to the community to identify <br /> key destinations for those on foot and on bike in Chapel Hill.This project would place permanent signage on <br /> streets with information on how long it would take to get to key destinations like parks, schools, and businesses. <br /> There would also be on-road painted signage in some locations where signage isn't appropriate or feasible. <br /> The Town's end goal for the program is for people to notice the signage, use it to walk or bike somewhere they <br /> may have otherwise driven to, and make it a regular habit going forward.This encouragement will be paired <br /> with infrastructure improvements to create an improved and connected network. <br /> "The program will benefit all who walk and bike on the routes with signage. While routes have not been <br /> finalized,Town staff estimates that around 8,000 people live in census blocks along each of the 5 priority <br /> corridors in the Town's Mobility Plan. Based on this number and the plan to implement 5 routes, up to 40,000 <br /> residents could benefit, as well as visitors from neighboring communities. <br />
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