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9 eD <br />Ordinance to Public Hearing 8 <br />V-D-5-c Utilit and Drainage Data <br />Amended <br />1/6/92 Constnaction plans shall be submitted to proper authorities, as <br />required, to document any new public or private community water <br />supply system, public or private community sewage disposal <br />system, and storm drainage facilities. Written approval and a set of <br />approved construction plans shall be submitted to the Planning <br />Department prior to approval of the Final Plat. <br />The location and purpose of all new easements for utility systems <br />shall be shown on the Final Plat, including, but not limited to, <br />sanitary sewers, septic tanks and nitrification fields, storm sewer <br />lines, water mains, gas, transmission mains and overhead electric, <br />telephone and GATV transmission mains, and any other above or <br />below ground utility systems which are contained within a <br />designated easement, <br />It is understood that utility distribution systems to individual lots for <br />gas, electric, telephone, and N cable service are customarily <br />covered by "blanket easements" or "general easements". If these <br />easements have been recorded, the recording data shall be shown <br />on the plat. Otherwise, these easements need not be denoted an <br />the plat, <br />*V-D-5-d Final Plat-Floodw~ and Watershed Data <br />*Amended <br />4/2/90 The boundaries of both the floodway and floodway fringe areas <br />shall be designated and labeled on the plat as required by the <br />Orange County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance.. <br />For subdivisions located within a water supply watershed of <br />regional and/or local importance, the following information shall be <br />shown designated e~re#ereaeed-on the Final Plat: <br />(a) The maximum impervious i~peafiea~s-surface data as required <br />by Articles 6.23, 6.24, and/or 6.25 of the Orange County Zoning <br />Ordinance shall be shown for each lot. <br />. The <br />e-fleted <br />(b) Stream buffers as required by <br />8rd+naflse-er Articles 6.23, 6.24, and/or 6.25 of the Orange <br />County Zoning Ordinance shall be delineated and noted on the <br />Final Plat. Development restrictions within the buffer shall be <br />specified in a separate document to be recorded concurrently <br />G:currentptannin g/RobeNpublichearing2003/finalplatsWtementrevisions <br />