Orange County NC Website
Ordinance to Public Hearing 7 <br />1<~9 <br />All lots which are of restricted development potential shall be noted <br />on the Final Plat with reference to a separate recorded instrument <br />which describes the restricted lot(s) by metes and bounds and <br />~~ <br />designates the lot as Of restricted development potential because <br />of (specify condition), pursuant to Section IV-B-2 of the Orange <br />County Subdivision Regulations". <br />V-A-5-b Streets and Transportation Systems <br />The location, dimensions and classification (public or private) of all <br />streets, new easements or any existing easements which are <br />recorded or which are visible and apparent uses, alleys and other <br />public or private ways shall be shown on the Final Plat, including <br />pedestrian and non-motorized vehicle easements. All streets <br />intended for future extension either within ar beyond the <br />boundaries of the subdivision shall clearly be indicated on the <br />Final Plat by the words, "Subject to future extension". A No <br />Vehicular Access Easement (NVA) (aka Negative Access <br />Easement) 10 feet in width shall be designated, with a dashed <br />tine, along the right-of-way of all lots and tracts where direct <br />vehicular access to a roadway is not permitted. <br />Street names, including State road numbers if applicable, shall be <br />indicated on the Final Plat and shall not duplicate or approximate <br />the name of any other street in Orange County, or an adjacent <br />County if a similar street name is in use in the vicinity, except <br />where a street is the continuation ar extension of an existing <br />street. All street names shall be approved through Land <br />Records office. <br />G:cun-entplanningf RobeNpublichearing2003/finalplatstatemenhevisions <br />