Orange County NC Website
Qrdinance to Public Hearing 6 <br />~~5 <br />V-D-4-b Other Conditions <br />' If any portion <br />of the final plat includes land referenced in the `Inventory of the <br />Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats of Orange County, North <br />Carolina" it shall he shown on the plat. In addition, manmade <br />features including houses, barns, sheds, railroads and overhead <br />utility lines shall be denoted. Cemeteries shall be shown if t#ey <br />afe designated by a bier previously recorded instnament or if <br />t#e~are disclosed to or found by the surveyor during the course of <br />the survey. <br />All street rights-of-way, which adjoin the boundaries of the tract <br />being subdivided, shall be shown with dashed lines and shall <br />denote the right-of-way location and width. <br />V-D-5 Subdivision Layout Data <br />The lot design plan shall be drawn and shall show the following <br />information: <br />V-D-5-a Lot Arrangement and Development Potential <br />The lot lines, Parent Parcel Identification Number, and lot and <br />block numbers of each lot shall be shown on the plat. Blocks shall <br />be consecutively numbered or lettered in alphabetical order and, <br />all lots in each block shall be consecutively numbered. Lot and <br />block numbers provided shall be in substantial compliance with <br />those shown on the approved Preliminary Plat. <br />The location and dimensions of all lot lines, all new easements and <br />any existing easements which are recorded or easements which <br />are visible and apparent reservations, and areas dedicated to <br />public or private use with notes stating their purposes shall be <br />shown on the Final Plat. Lots shown on the Final Plat shall be <br />substantially the same as those shown on the approved <br />Preliminary Plat. <br />T#e-wi+dtfi-e# Front, rear, and side yard setbacks that are greater <br />than the minimum setback requirements of the district in <br />which the parcel is located shall be designated with dashed <br />lines on the individual lots and labeled as `Minimum Setback'. <br />G:curtenlplanning/RobeNpublichearing2003/ftnalplatstatemenfrevisions <br />