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~~z <br />Qrdinance to Public Hearing 10 <br />*V-D-6-a Certificates of Dedication and Maintenance <br />*Amended <br />1/6/92 The Final Plat shall be made by or prepared under the supervision <br />of a , y;.°md~~~ Professional Land Surveyor <br />licensed to practice in the State of North Carolina and shall contain <br />a certificate as required by Section 47-30 of the General Statutes <br />and prepared in substantially the following form and acknowledged <br />by a notary public: <br />(1) "I, ,certify that this plat was drawn under my <br />supervision from (an actual survey made under my <br />supervision) (deed description recorded in Book ~, Page <br />etc.) (other); that the ratio of precision is 1: <br />;that the boundaries not surveyed are shown as <br />broken lines plotted from information found in Book ~, <br />Page _: that this map was prepared in accordance with <br />G.S. 47-30 as amended. Witness my hand and seal this <br />day of , A.D., 19_." <br />(The surveyor shall also certify on the plat as required by <br />G,S. 47-30 (f) (11) as amended.) <br />Seal or Stamp <br />Surveyor Registration Number <br />*V-D-6-b Certificates of Dedication and Maintenance <br />(1) The following certificate shall be printed on the Final Plat and shall be <br />followed by the signature of the owner(s) of the property being subdivided <br />acknowledged by a notary public. <br />"The undersigned owner hereby certifies that the land shown <br />hereon is located within the subdivision-regulation jurisdiction of <br />Orange County and hereby freely dedicates all rights-of-way, <br />easements, streets, recreation areas, open spaces, common <br />areas, utilities,and other improvements to public or private <br />common use as noted on this plat, and further assumes full <br />responsibility for the maintenance and control of said <br />improvements until they are accepted for maintenance and <br />control by an appropriate public body or by an incorporated <br />neighborhood or homeowners association or similar legal <br />entity." <br />Owner(s): <br />Date: <br />G:wmentplnnninp/Robert/publichearing2003/6nalptatstatementrevisions <br />