Orange County NC Website
~29/pl Pave2of2 Bwmie LOU Nmwmd <br />ryIHER COMMEN'I3: 1 [vd the Buard ofCowty (`ummission[ee n[ede b have mme®a m <br />the Solid Week Mviwry Boscd Ihat lives ache Landfill. I[ would mahle me b give them <br />msiph[ vs b whet it wonld Ce like b live in Ihetcavumuvmt and Iwdbeck Irom Ne <br />neigM1borM1md <br />How did ypu beoomc swam of Orange Cmmtyvalwtan opµmmnitiesl List all [hat apply: <br />Olber <br />IfaOa, how^ Uarty Jacobs <br />Ry subnuHing elaaonic application, epplicanl ayvu:e bEthiee (:Wdelinee and agrcesbattmd <br />dnee-how nnmmtion TM1is (orm was eubnutted odbe, m IM1p NOV 2910:4Ad1200t <br />